
North americans (in power) are worldly known to be idiots.
Abortion is banned on Brazil for as long as I'm alive, and it was banned solely for religious manners. They did tried to force a 10 years old to give bith to her rapist father-in-law's child. Doctors said she would surely *die*. No one cared. They bullied the family, the doctors had to be escorted by the military force to the horpital, where they riotes for 3 days while the girl was taken in, calling her a slut and a murderer. She was a ten years old who was raped. She tried suicide one year later.

Results of banned abortion: Forced "cheap handwork". There's too much people, there's no jobs for everyone and there's not food for everyone. This makes work force 'cheap' because they must compete each other to get a job. The whole shit about Brazilian people being sharing? If we don't, people will literally starve to death. We are hard workers? Yes, because if we don't, we'll starve to death. While upper classes simply pay a travel to another country who allows abortions, the lower casts die everyday from despair. Born children are abandoned in orphanages and many become adults without any kind of structure.

The majority of small crimes here are commited by children. Theft, pickpocketing, traffiquing...

People are dumb to ban abortion. Such a step back.

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i understand there a lot, most of the time i hear just all the bad shits  that is happening in america im sad that the least good minded people have to suffer like this

Yeah u just saw? Lol.

This terrifies alot of my friends, :(

ye just got upen laptop and saw my notifications around :')))
agreed on it

Its sad. Very sad.