I wanna do a bit of a redo for my folders and such just cause I think they feel too unorganised and maybe too broad for some things?

So gimme ideas for what kinda folders and subfolders and such I could consider! Like, should I do sonas, mains, secondaries, etc? Should I have story characters separate from others, all together, or in subfolders for wherever they'd go, or something else? Flattened folders?

Any ideas that you think could work, throw them at me!

Also thinking about choosing a 'mascot' maybe but idk who?


i think having one for sonas is a good idea!!!

i mostly just sort mine by fandom (or project if it's an original work of mine ^^)

i also think flattened folders are a good idea. they have a certain pleasing aesthetic to them

I changed my profile a bunch of time, at first I separated everything by species (human, anthro etc.) But I had a lot of character that interacted w each other in separate folders.

The best approach for me was to separate them by story (or universe) them I tagged them by species/form (human, anthro, feral, closed species),  but I suggest trying to sort them yourself in your mind or even on paper, like, does it makes more sense to you to keep your songs together? Do you want all your fan characters in the same folder or not? Do you mind if characters of the same universe get separated?

I am also a fan of flattened folders, when they are in less quantity, but with 6+ subfolders I let them normal.

Or you can use a custom html (like I did) but it is quite tedious to sort everybody

In the end it is up to your tastes and how you see your characters together