
Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by Kaiju-Beast

soooooo some do it
why not me too?

can i be your friend? Can be, i may seem distant but i can talk a lot.....sometimes...yes :'3

can i link ocs?  Can do! but depends on who. Sometimes would like to have on ocs i developed(and may god forgive me how many i still have hahahahaha *sobs*)

can i ask to hear your voice or get in a call? No if you arent a close bud, only some heard it as well my laptop shitty and 24/7 you wont understand me.

can i ask to see pictures of you?  Nope

can i take art inspiration?  If not close on what i do sure!

can i take design inspiration?  I dont mind some ideas be taken from my design but dont fully take ideas from them. It doesnt make me feel great and comfy

can i ask about co-owns?  After somethings i dont really do co-owning so no sorry

can i ask for pings?  Depending on who then yes, may vary with the characthers. If is giftedis a hard no. Just ask if unsure :3

can i put your character in my dreamie folder?  NO.  I mean sure you can put them there if you like them a lot.

Can I see your authorized character that are hidden? (taken from a friend) Mean sure just ask me :3


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Oooh. Stealing tonl do when I get home :D