LF - HCs/RPs/Ships

Posted 8 years, 5 months ago by CionKeiasta

I'm just copying/pasting everything from my dA journal--

I'm really picky about picking partners for my bbys so no hard feelings okay-- //weeps

 ! ! !  N E W ! ! !

 I'm not looking to pair any of my Des-Doll characters! RPing wtih them will be a bit harder due to their specific story line! Unless you're willing to comply to their storyline, I'll have to decline any rp offers for them ; - ; ! Same reasoning for pairing UNLESS you have a good character that I can pair Des-Doll Scissor Beta with!

OTP HUNTING ♡。゚.(*♡´‿` 人´‿` ♡*)゚♡ °・

I really like if we can also rp our OTPs b/c they're really fun to do and I would like to see some interaction between them because I have some OTPs that I don't RP with and I sorta want to do something with them but I can't art all the time so RPing is something ;u; )// I'm also find with headcannons if you can't rp either! My preference is yaoi and hetero for now. It's not that I have anything against yuri, it's just I'm not comfortable of having my own pairing yet. Although I find yuri fluff to be super cute //v//


I also have more single bbys so please contact me through PM or something and I'll show you my stash ; v ; !!!

Really want to pair these guys atm: (Might add more later)

 ~   ~  ~  ~  ~   ~ 


Hmm... Because the laze to RP atm and headcanon is rlly fast and fun I suppose HAHA But if you want to rp, I'm good with that too!!!


 Methods -

  • Skype (Most Preferable)
    • Look me up as keiasta or Cion Keiasta
    • When sending me a request, please do let me know who you are on dA 
  • Notes
  • Google Docs


  • Paragraph/Lit (Most Preferable)
  • Script (Very okay with this too c: )


  • Can handle 18+ RP ' v'

Note - I would prefer if you started the RP since I'm really bad at starting RPs and take forever to start because of that OTL (And I easily get sidetracked to make it worse--) But yea, just comment here or note me then we can discuss *v* But preferably with some ideas since I don't always want to be the one who comes up with stuff //chokes


*rolls in* so I have two characters with ZERO story and I'd love too ship them with someone else's bbys so for scissors-beta I have these two and either could look really cute with your bby: https://toyhou.se/266272.roux https://toyhou.se/259577.0-on-hold- (<- that one even has a bear hoodie aaaa) since they have no story I am totally fine with complying to the story line and I could even change their names if needed

They're really nice bbys but I'll have to decline since I don't think they would go well with Beta ; - ; I'm also considering to pair Alpha and Beta together or another story I had in Beta already orz..... Also, Alpha and Beta are ones where I'm really picky to pair about, sorry o)--<

//whispers// I'm still very interested in Haneul -- //chokes//

HAHA did u have anyone in mind for him--

LOL uhhh, it depends on what you're looking for him. . . ? Human? Kemonomimi? Or what is it really? Unless the chibi was just him cosplaying as Kaneki LOL

Preferably human-- www depends on mimis

Yeah the chibi was a halloween chibi LMAO so it was him as Kaneki on halloween wwww