Colour on Toyhouse :’)

Posted 2 years, 22 days ago by MatIsACat

Hello hello hello !!

Today I made a discovery, I finally found out why my art seems more dull when I upload it to toyhouse, artfight or discord! It’s cuz I havent used RGB / CYMK colours. Super happy that I found out, buuuut this means everything I’ve posted before this isn’t either of those,,, and I cannot be bothered to edit every characters image,, so I’ll probably post quick colour refs within this week with the right colours so y’all can use them from now on !!! <333

That’s all :D


1) how. did you not use rgb/cymk???? 2) WAIT THATS NOT JUST A STYLISTIC CHOICE?????

I JUST THOUGHT IT WAS AUTOMATICALLY ON BUT NONONO APPLE DOESNT DO THAT!! And nooo it’s not and it’s so frigging sad lhdsjckdsgcsjhdgcfkhsdj