I'm seeing this trend and it seemed fun! I am a curious thing

Here they are! https://toyhou.se/Pixolms/characters/tags:1/extagged:ufo excluding the ones from the for sale folder

If you want you can say why (design, story, traits etc) but don't feel obligated to! I'll also do the same and tell you my fav OC(s) of yours ^^


So many good designs omg, some of my favs are Caspian, Hickory, Rudy, Nova, Monti and Zygy, their designs are so cool and I love all their colors! I also like Jaffa bc I drew him for Art Fight a few years ago :]

Ooo thank youuu!! Everyone so far is saying characters that I also favour quite a bit haha <33

From yours I love that doggy PBnJ aa orange and purple is a fun combo! Also Kwaro, Chernobyl and South bc I'm a sucker for black and white with accents!!!

OUGH probably Syrex, Lucas, Kyle, Tus, and Hickory. The first three are THE pixolms ocs in my mind and I like that I've gotten to see them evolve over the years :) The second two, I just enjoy their designs a lot

The CLASSICS I've had them for so long.. I kinda wish I could see them evolve from an outsider perspective haha but I'm very glad other people noticed <33 And yes the second two are funny plant things I love em. Tysm ! 💕💖

Grin, Ivan, Hickory, Yves, Judy, Swatch, Overn and Rudy are my favourites because of their designs 💖

Aa thank you!! They're some of my favourites haha <33

Out of yours I'd probably day Siris is my favourite,.,,, I love those colours sm

The one that i and me yeah


Im not elaborating <33 mwah

That's fine TY <3333 I like Brine and Polaroid the most I think 🐟

Shark dragons rise up