Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by LUC1G07CH1

Probably Y'all are wondering..."what the hell happenend to your account". Well, the SAME thing happenend on my DeviantART, it got hacked AND the hacker was trying to distort my image. And I was able to act in there before it was too late. But unfortunately, not here.

I've been posting updates about this situation actively on my secondary account, ParadisoEther .

HOWEVER, after 3 months, I FINALLY got my account back! YES! I even changed my username to not only match me nowadays, but to prevent this happening in the future.

I now gotta fix some stuff up, like the "watermark", the profile description, my icon, etc.


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A lot of weird stuff, to be honest. Someone hijacked my account and said some really mean stuff about me in order to be funny (they're not), leading my account to a ban. It happenend on DeviantART too, but I haven't got banned and I got to act before it was too late. 

I'm in fact back, but I'm still very confused. This never happenend in my life, and my brain is with one question, "who?".