Which of my OCs is your fave?

Posted 2 years, 20 days ago by SKOROZE

Toyhouse trend thing!! Lemme know which one of my OCs you vibe with the most / which story you like the most, and why! I wanna see how people feel about my characters/stories and what they like most about it :]

Likewise, I'll do the same to you and reply with MY favorite out of your OCs!


I love your main music gang. The 4. I like their dynamics with one another also I just really enjoy when characters are personified objects/concepts a lot. 

Also I just like Zared's design, I think we met through art fight cuz I remember seeing his design really stand out to me there haha

Aww, thank you so much, this means a lot! I especially enjoy working on music gang the most, they're the most solid out of all my characters and I enjoy just working them up story-wise and exploring their dynamics with each other. Slice of life and friend group characters are some of my fav tropes. They were just silly guys I came up with during the pandemic, so I'm so glad to know people turned out to enjoy them! :D

As for yours, I definitely enjoy your Nonco for their dynamics and interactions with each other. Also a lot about their designs, worldbuilding, etc is so in-depth it's very fun to read through whatever you have for them! It's also interesting that they're inspired/based off rocks :]

I can tell! It seems you’ve put a lot into their development. 

Worldbuilding and character interaction/dynamic/relationships are the things I enjoy writing the most I go so crazzzzzy with it haha, glad to hear you enjoy reading about them :-] 

Ofc!! I can tell you’re having fun developing em too! Passion projects are always fun to look at :]

OH I wanted to ask you this but forgot - since you like Zared, what was it that stood out about his design? :O

I’ve been wanting to expand on him but not sure what people think is unique about his character. Honestly I always saw him as a stereotypical scientist you may see on this site hahah!

oh, I just have a soft spot for geeky guy characters with spiky hair & bad teeth LOL it’s not very deep I’m afraid 

I don’t know what a “stereotypical scientist” is to you but to me it is a cold & calculating character who is only obsessed with their own work & probably acts pretentious to seem smarter than their peers, which isn’t the vibe I’m picking up for Zared :o 

OHH HAHAHA that does sum him up pretty well LMAO!

Oh to me they’re design aspects with square tinted glasses, a lab coat, a generally lanky build (and the spiky mullet hairstyle i see a lot from my mutuals), i personally associate that with scientists/nerds haha

Nicee, I like anti-stereotypes (if that’s the correct term?) a lot! He was supposed to be a raggedy zombie guy whose a lot smarter than he seems, and I enjoy exploring the contrast with him and his rowdier friends. Glad he came across as that to you :]

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and ahhh the music gang... that means alot to me :') music gang is such a personal story of mine and im so glad u were inspired by them in some way ugydhs i really appreciate it T__T

As for YOURS... zebe is my alltime favorite look at that lil guy..... albert and maxie are interesting too, wonder what kind of things those two will be up to >:)c

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THEM!! Ougjhds my faves too... T__T As for yours, I kept thinking bout Mush and Roggy.. the two friends... they seem to be up to somethin..

Zelta and Frankie have really cool designs too!

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YESSS! That would be so so fun I'm so down to hear what they'll be up to! >:3c

And YEAH! Punk character designs are rad B)

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OOH INTERESTING.... so they're guided by these spirits and have adventures in the fantasy world.... woo FUN! I did NOT EXPECT that ending though auehudhs WHYY they look so wholesome ;___; /lh

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HI. omg the coolest lil guy. as a thank you you may have free tickets to their (bedroom) concert

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