Design Practice (Mutuals Only)

Posted 2 years, 2 days ago by bigbeef_6984

I want to do some design practice so I'm offering to make mutuals free customs right now! You can either let me know your design preferences, be extremely specific, or leave it up to me entirely. I prefer some guidance though on what you're looking for. The concepts can be as loose as you want though!

Basic rules/boundaries

1. Likely won't be FCFS and more based on what gives me the most inspiration which could be... literally anything. Sorry!

2. Progress will be extremely slow and a completed result may be unlikely because I am focusing on completing school right now, but this would be something to do on my breaks

3. Despite slow progress, I will send messages with updated sketch & colors. Feel free to request changes during any point of the process and I will implement them best I can. I actually encourage the criticism because it will help me work better with future clients (if I choose to do this for money LOL).

4. Non-sexual nudity, body horror, gore, anthros/ferals, mechas, armor, etc etc etc are all fine to request as themes or concepts in the design. I want to practice with literally anything and I don't have many boundaries on what I won't draw, except for the obvious (pedophilia, incest, zoophilia, anything along those lines.) For that reason I don't think it's necessary to illustrate what I /won't/ draw because I know the space I've curated & none of y'all are freaks like that. Sexual themes are also off the table only because I am not comfortable with drawing that for others.

5. My style can be inconsistent, even more so because these will be for practice & very experimental. I hope you understand!

6. You can make multiple requests at once but the completion of every single concept isn't guaranteed. This is more just for the sake of throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks!

That should be everything off the top of my brain! It would mean a lot to me if anyone showed interest :D Thanks for reading!


hey!! id love to get one if youre comfortable with it, or if you wanna do a sort of trade where i can do art or another design in return thatd be cool! (im still working on ur customs though ofc!) would you be okay still doing one with an idea based on my prefs list? :o if you need a specific idea i can give you one too!! ty for this opportunity :DD

That would be awesome, I don't mind doing a trade! However I request that you don't start working on mine until I finish yours, it will help hold myself accountable to complete my end of the trade! And I can absolutely come up with something based on your preferences! I'll also need some time to come up with another concept for a custom design, but when I figure something out I'll let you know!

Btw here's my Trello if you want to keep track of the progress! I won't be able to start work on it immediately due to school but I will chip away at it on the side!

sure thing, that works for me!! take ur time with everything! and let me know what idea you come up with using my preferences if u dont mind so i can confirm its something im looking for, or i can give u further details with whatever concept! tysm

Absolutely will do :D