Design Refunds

Posted 2 years, 24 days ago by DyscoBlazingFrost

Here you can offer back any design you have gotten from me if you lose attachment to them. There are some designs of mine I would gladly take back and I would appreciate anyone planning to get rid of any designs of mine to ask me if I want them back, but of course this is NOT required (except on a select few important characters to me, in which it will be stated that this is required). I will not be offended about not being asked before reselling. Of course I'm not asking for anything to be given back for free; here is my list of what I'm willing to do in return. Note this only really applies to my own designs because I never resell without being sure.

Refund: If I want a character back I am willing to pay back whatever you paid me (or the value of whatever you paid me) WITH extra compensation if any value was added to the character (If you paid, for example, $3 for a design and added $3 worth of art, I would pay back $6).

Swap it for others in my Adopts FolderDepending on which character you want in exchange, I would be likely to accept this no matter how much I actually want the design back. Note that I cannot give up any design labeled as a collab for this, because that's not fair to the other designer.

Art/Customs: Will try to do equivalent value. I will only do art if I REALLY want a design back.

Of course, if I do not want a design back, you are free to sell or whatever (which you're okay to do either way). I'm just putting this here in case anyone wants to. I'm not gonna want a ton of my own designs back anyway.

To ask if I want a character back just show the character here or DMs somewhere and tell me what you want in exchange.


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