Emergency Sale

Posted 2 years, 17 days ago by Cha0tic

I might/ being kicked out so I really need funds to get a car, anyone on my toyhouse is open for money offers. No trades or art offers please. I'm so sorry in advance if I become inactive. 


Also sorry but uhh

Would I accept $25 for https://toyhou.se/6478859.jayden-falls ?

(Just shooting my shot)

I might have to accept this because im currently looking for an apartment

Okk I’ll send it along with my other payment

I wish you luck!

If I can find a voucher would you accept $30 for him? https://toyhou.se/5646971.saint

Yes I'll accept that

Actually I don’t need a voucher I can send rn

Where do I sent to again?

[email protected] on paypal!


recieved sending him over now