
Posted 2 years, 20 days ago by ManaketeEXE

So for starters, I got my new job so yay!! I'll get a better pay and who knows maybe have an actual living wage finally X3

The downside, is I'll have to call and push my start date back about 5 days, I unfortunately got covid from my mom and her boyfriend, I just wanted to bring that up to appologize to anyone who I owe art to or customs or am doing art trades with, I'm really sorry, I'll get them done asap I promise! I just thought it'd be best to give an update to avoid confusion

Thanks for reading if you did, and fingers crossed I can get better soon


congrats on your new job! and hopefully you get well soon :<

Thanks a bunch Alex! I really hope I do as well

It's all good pal. Congratulations for your new job ^^ and I hope you feel better soon

Thanks so much friend! I hope so as well