
Posted 8 years, 5 months ago by Jotaku

EDIT: AB'd by ethelune!  /weeps Thank you so much!

Hellooooo (and merry christmas/happy holidays!)

I originally made this lady for Dio, but she's getting out of adopts so returned it to me to sell.
Soooo I'm posting to TH first with an early buy option. 
AB will be $300--if you wanna autobuy now, please comment or PM!  Half of the payment will also be going to Dio.
If she's not picked up by tomorrow, I'll remove this post and put her up for auction on dA/FA like usual. :)

The outfit included was designed by Dio! ^q^


ps i really hate how TH cuts off titles gdi


Omigosh, congrats on the AB ❤️

omg she's so cute cries

I'd love to AB, if that's alright! ; v ;

WHEEZE omg sure, I'll PM you in just a moment!

Oopnvm she was abd!

JSDFKDJSF IWN ISH I COULD AB, THAT OUTFIT IS SO PERF falls to the floor bc post-shopping horrors gl jo ik this is going to go well! ;U;

WHEEZES LOUDLY right??? the outfit dio did is so cute on her! /cry
But omg THANK YOU THO ;O;//