Thread Share: prokink / proship ?

Posted 2 years, 25 days ago by Flipside



Sorry if this shrinks this at all? Just in case I’ll link dropbox to the hires versions as well.

I’m so sorry about all the drama that happens around my name “Anti/Proship” it’s all... Just awful. I’m so tired of it all. I really seem to struggle to make my points clear and concise when discussing with others. This twitter thread was extremely helpful, it’s everything I’ve been desperately trying to say to all my fellow creators. 

I just want all of us to be safe. I want both sfw and nsfw communities to be able to navigate online safely and use tags / content warnings when possible. I don’t want any harm to come to anyone IRL, no animals, no people, no one. Consent comes first, always.

I hope anyone takes the time to read this and understand what I mean when I say I am prokink or proship.


LoL the fact that they wanted you to draw a line and explain yourself... They are just wanting to know if they should interact with you anymore or blacklist you...

Im on the same side of art being a healthy outlet for any sexual interests extreme fetishes/taboo or not. I would much rather have a user block me than deal with them trying to force theyre moral correctiveness opinion down my throat

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i appreciate the comm so much for being able to word things better than me... but yeah i agree with everything! and that you should draw urself smth self-indulgant to take your mind off things ♥

Exactly how I feel

I apparently lost another mutual from sharing this opinion on tumblr, whoops! But honestly if people read this and still don't understand why it's wrong and refuse to question why people would fight for this.... I guess I really don't want them around. Just nothing is really lost? And I feel hurt thinking that, but not actual hurt over the loss of the moot. I think more than anything I'm just... really sad for everyone who doesn't understand why.

It's so sad. Just scroll past. why even have to comment on the piece? It's a waste of energy and time. I'm tired of this bullshit. Just go draw some cute things and be happy

Hell yeah, I'm gonna draw something cute right now!