Asthena Information Bulletin!

Posted 5 years, 4 months ago by Velocity _scarecrowes

Ey, my name is Velocity! I was asked to make this bulletin in order to inform people about my species, Asthenas. Well, uh, I am asking Banshi to help me out with the typing, I don't have hands... uh, anyway! Once thought of as gods in Lumatili, Asthenas are born sexless (but do obtain a gender later on in life), and are bird like creatures from Katilnax that are known to possess many types of uncommon magic. No one Asthena looks exactly like another, their bodies have a ton of variation to them. We were first brought to Lumatili by a Glow Wisp Queen wanting to have soldiers/guards to help in war. Now, we're mostly used as traveling companions for Caukirx. I don't know if I should consider that a downgrade or an upgrade, knowing Banshi. 

Asthenas have 1-2 long tail feathers, which they have full control over. Asthenas with split tails can harden these tail feathers and/or merge them into a little ball, which can be used to either hold and protect small things or to be used as a wrecking ball. Asthenas also possess an ear-shattering screech, able to either temporarily or permanently deafen someone. Experienced Asthenas can use telepathy to communicate with everyone around them at once- it's just like having an actual voice, except they don't usually move their mouths along with what they're saying. Asthenas also have the ability to fuse with a loved one, but this is a very hard to accomplish task. Not much is known about Asthena fusion.

That's all I have for now, thanks for reading!


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