RP Comfort Meme 2019

Posted 5 years, 7 months ago by DreamGaige
About Me

Age Over 21
Activity Semi-active/Very Active
Other Notes
  • I'll only give out my discord if you're truly interested in RPing.
  • Spamming or pinging me on discord when I haven't replied fast enough for you will get you blocked and the RP dropped immediately.
  • Spreading my Discord contact info will get you blocked as well.
  • I'm honestly a calm/reasonable person.. just have things people have done to irritate me in the past.
RP Location

Google Docs
Other Notes
  • Notes would only be acceptable in certain situations (Discord downtime)
  • I only use Discord so that I can reply from my phone AND computer.
  • I will never use Skype. It doesn't work on my phone.
  • 9 times out of 10, if a program doesn't work on my phone, I won't use it.
  • Please don't ask me to get something different and continue to bother me about it. I'll refuse the rp outright in that situation.

One on One
Up to 3
Up to 4
As Big as Possible
Other Notes
  • I've been in RP groups before and don't mind them, but I have responsibilities outside of my PC/phone and can't always be online for them.
  • Group RP's are acceptable if you don't mind me being slow.
  • I get frustrated when others don't reply and leave my character(s) in limbo/ stuck in place for too long.
Post Type

Script Style
Head Cannon

1 or 2 Sentences
1 or 2 Paragraphs
2 to 5 Paragraphs
5+ Paragraphs
A few pages worth
Other Notes
  • One or two sentences is only acceptable if we've hit a slow spot.
  • PLEASE BE LITERATE. Occasional mistakes are alright, but don't talk like you haven't had schooling. Please.
  • My replies may vary given how much time/focus/inspiration I have, but I'll always do at least 3+ sentences.
Preferred Character Types

Don't care

Don't care

Original species
Other Notes
  • Shapeshifters between Humanoid/Feral/Anthro are okay... please not JUST ferals. Anthro must have flat/humanoid faces..
  • I'm uncomfortable RPing females myself.. and not quite comfortable pairing my boys with females just yet unless I know you well enough/you're a good friend.
  • I primarily RP MxM but I don't mind using other pronouns for them.
  • Please no kin-types or...whatever those are. I just have no clue how to even react to them as I'm unfamiliar with that kind of thing.
  • Only barely familiar with Trans characters... and none of mine are this. I only have one 'male' that identifies as either/or. (Koa).
  • You're welcome to ask me about anything. I'm open to discussion... but please don't press if I say I'm uncomfortable with it.
RP Types

Action / Adventure
Horror / Mystery
Slice of life / Casual
Canonical Universes
Other Notes
  • 18+/smut is alright IF the characters are over 18 AND my partner is. This also needs to be asked about before you assume I want to do this. Don't push it if I refuse or decide my character isn't ready. I'll drop if I'm continually pressured.
  • I don't like working in Canon universes... but if we both decide to use ideas from those universes/have characters that take ideas from them, I won't mind AS much. Please be sure it's a universe I know (so please ask.)
  • Slice of life tends to go slowly and runs out of content fast for me; If you decide on this one, please be sure you realize this and/or have plenty of ideas lined up you'd like to do with them.
  • HORROR/MYSTERY IS MY HAPPYPLACE. Action/adventure as well. I'm open to other ideas/combinations!

Must be planned in advance
Characters must know each other
Depends on the character & situation

Exclusive Relationships
AU relationships with others
Other Notes
  • I prefer my characters be shipped with yours exclusively... but I won't get butthurt if you don't do this.
  • I don't mind AU relationships; in fact it might be interesting... but please ask!
  • Please always try to think of "would these two be good together..?" before you suggest a bab to one of mine.
  • I ALWAYS want some kind of ship between the characters; couple, friends, enemies, etc. Primarily couple. It makes me happy.
  • We CAN always attempt a couple and if they don't work out, change the couple in the current rp, or to a new one..
Relationship Speed

Slow and steady
Molasses, I want to suffer
Depends on the characters
Other Notes
  • Immediate relationships are... iffy. I would prefer we not do this, but I'm open to trying.
  • SOMETIMES I WANT TO SUFFER so slow relationship speed would be interesting.

Skip the act
Write build up, skip act
Only write the act if it's good
Write the act always
Other Notes
  • Please let me know if you're uncomfortable and I'll do the same.
  • IF you're comfortable, please let me know what you're comfortable WITH. Bondage, sensory deprivation, etc.
  • IF YOU'RE NOT OVER 18 OR YOU LIE TO ME ABOUT YOUR AGE, I WILL DROP IMMEDIATELY AND BLACKLIST YOU. PLEASE be honest with me. I do not care if your country's legal age is 16 or some other age. Here, it's 18.
  • Writing the build up and skipping the act is my usual preference if I'm not comfortable with the person.
Romantic Artwork

Post what I'm comfortable with
Post but don't show me
Don't ever post w/o consulting
Don't care

Hugs or Cuddles
Sexual Acts
Other Notes
  • This is always an ask situation UNLESS It's pre-discussed or simply minor things (kissing,cuddles, etc.).

No violence at all
Discuss it with me first
Don't care

Verbal arguments
Mild (Papercut, Elbow to the face...)
Normal (Stabbing, Fist fight...) <
Extreme (Torture...)
Other Notes
  • ALWAYS be fair in these; Do not EVER godmode or assume your character will never get hit. Be realistic about fights and things.
  • Extreme Violence needs to be talked about before hand.
  • I'm weird? torture is fun to me? but still, let's seriously discuss this or give me suggestions/ideas of what you're wanting to do before you jump right into it. I have certain triggers I want to avoid (psychological torture)
Psychological Problems

Neurotypical only
Discuss it with me first
Don't care

Depression or other similar problems
Extreme personality problems, PTSD, etc.
Other Notes
  • I'm very leery about allowing this kind of thing, especially depression, etc., because I have some of these things myself and have seen them overdone in a way that makes the rp... distasteful.
  • As always, if I become uncomfortable, I will ask that we end the rp OR we remove these kinds of things from the rp altogether.
  • PLEASE only ask for these kinds of things IF YOU KNOW YOUR SHIT. I can't handle mary sue/gary stu kind of characters or scenarios with ocs, especially with psychological issues. If their whole everything revolves around these, I'll refuse.
Dramatic / Violent Artwork

Post what I'm comfortable with
Post but don't show me
Don't ever post w/o consulting
Don't care

Mental stress or self harm
Mild depictions (scrapes, bruises...)
Average depiction (open wounds...)
Extreme depictions (dismemberment, torture...)
Other Notes
  • Mental things (of my characters) are kind of iffy and I'd prefer to draw them myself (unless discussed/commissioned)
  • Self harm is a no-go. Don't do this. No.
  • In all general situations, please ask me before you do any of these.

Base Meme by ElfSama | Edited & Coded by Vom


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