Pride meme

Posted 2 years, 3 days ago by Xx_CUPCAKECULT_xX

1. what’s your gender? 

- Agender xenohoarder rosboy

2. what are your pronouns?

-  They/Xe/Ne/Bun, He/Him is accepted

3. is your family accepting?

- Yes i think so, except the only one who doesn't accept me for who I am is my youngest uncle

4. what do you wish you could tell your past self?

- You are queer and trans, don't listen to what assholes think about you

5. what is your sexuality?

- Aroace (Myraroace and Caedaroace), agenipian, T4T, Ace4Ace, Aro4Aro, queerplatonic and ambiamorous

6. favorite color?

- Basically any shades of any colours, including black, gray and white

7. sun gay or moon gay?

- Moon gay

8. when did you find out your sexuality?

- I guess when I was 7 when I found myself to feel different than other people

9. how was your day?

- It was good

10. do you have any queer friends?

- Yes I do

11. what’s your favorite hobby?

- Drawing, bowling, collecting furbies, collectiong MLP stuff and playing video games

12. who’s the best gay icon in your opinion?

- Tbh I don't know

13. which pride flags do you like the most design/color wise?

- So many flags though I can name a few..

Asexual, aroace, aromantic, angled aroace, omnisexual, abrosexual, vincian, xenogender, agender, polysexual, pansexual, genderqueer, nonbinary and the transgender flag 

I actually just think they're beautiful

14. are you openly out?

- Kinda yes but also no..?

15. are you comfortable with yourself?

- Trying to be

16. bottom or top?

- Switch but mostly bottom

17. femme or butch?

- Butch I guess

18. do you bind?

- Yes I do, also people need to know how to bind in a healthy way

19. do you shave?

- I guess I sometimes do

20. if you could date anyone you wanted, who would it be?

- No one but my girlfriend and my fictional husbands

21. do you have a partner (s)?

- Yes I do

22. describe your partner (s)?

- Tall, cool, sweet, adorable, beautiful and my literal universe

23. have you ever dated anyone of the same gender?

- Not really

24. anyone of other gender?

- Many times

25. pastel gay or goth gay?

- Pastel and goth gay

26. favorite dad in dream daddies?

- I haven't played that game ;w;

27. tell me a random fact about yourself?

- I am a fat, shy, oblivious and blonde person who collects stuff and I have two furbabies

28. do you own any pride flags/merch?

- Yes I do, I am pretty much a flaming queer lol

5 pride flags, 4 medium sized flags and a large flag that I can hang on my wall

3 pride patches

One pair of pride suspenders

Two wristbands

A headband 

A pair of bath shorts

3 totem bags

29. have you ever been to a pride parade?

- Yes, I have been to 7 or 8 as of now

30. any advice to someone who isn’t out or who is exploring themselves?

- You will find your true self some day, don't give up hope


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