Character clearout

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by DragoenixSales



•Don’t mess with the tags. 

•Comment here, not on the characters!

•Please provide examples if offering art and/or customs. 


Wishlist link

In order of most to least wanted: 

art/outfits/outfit customs > pts/characters > character customs >>> ac

•Mixed offers are okay with me👌 


TH link



Also willing to look at offers on my main account here, but I'm more tent with them.



Anyone in my toyhouse interest you for this one?

I can do katarina or ascona, whichever you prefer :) 

I'd be willing to trade for Katarina ^^ Lmk when the transfer is pending!

Pending now 👍 

Ty! Transfer is pending ^^

accidentally commented on the character at first 😭 Cat is literally dreamie, I could offer art? I can also offer characters! ones tagged fh offlim!!

DragoenixHeart sry aa 

Nw! You have a lot of cute characters, but I only saw myself using perhaps them, or maybe some of your little silly lads?

I could do haru for sure!!!

Alrighty ^^ Lmk when their transfer is pending and I'll send over cat!

it is pending!! ive sent it to ur main <:3

Ty! Transfer is pending ^^

1 Replies

hello! i wrote an entry for this WTA character :]

Personality Lyra is a sweet but ego-centered girl who likes romance + high fantasy novels, writing, and cooking. she’s bubbly but adores herself and gets very determined to be the best at everything. Lyra does have a soft spot for animals and is very good with them, as she feels they are the only beings she can be chill out around. She has a fawn companion named Bell who helps her cast her spells.

Short backstory Lyra grew up in a fancy but busy household with 4 other siblings. She didn’t get much attention as a child, which fuels her strive to be #1 at everything. She currently works at a family tavern as a cook. 

thank you for the opportunity!

Hey! Just wondering if you’re considering offers on them?

Yep, feel free to offer ^^

Awesome! Anyone in my uft or unsorted folders interest you? 

I can also offer a small amount of usd as an add on 

I liked these two, if you'd be willing to trade either?

Happy to trade Fen if you’re okay with that!!

Ack, I've thought about it for a bit and realized I probably wouldn't use her, sorry!

Hello! I like these two characters here;



I'd love to offer character trades for them if possible! You can look at the characters below, I can do multiples as well! If Felix can't be traded I'd be alright with just the second one then, but I do love both of them a lot and would love to give them a good home (some humanoids, ferals and monsterish characters here)

I've picked out a few specific ones here from my trade account and my main that might fit your criteria? Unsure but feel free to ask about anyone ^^

I saw a post saying I should ping your main so you could see offers? Here you go DragoenixHeart (see comment above)

I currently have a better offer pending for Felix at the moment, but if they decline I'll let you know!

For the other, only these two interested me

Sure thing! I'll send them both over right now ^^

Should be pending!

thanks so much! enjoy ^^