Posted 2 years, 1 day ago by startle

whats ur summer camp history...

34 Votes never gone </3
11 Votes went once, never gone since
24 Votes ehhh ive been to a few
13 Votes i am a regular summer camper
0 Votes i spend all summer at camp(s) uwu

hii! hi.

So, as some of you may know and some of you may not know, I have been attending the same outdoors, overnight summer camp for like ~9 years (Maybe? It's so many that I've lost count...). This is the first year that I am going to be an actual counselor, which means I'm getting paiidddd baybee! But it also means that I will be there longer than usual. 

The camp which I will be working at is (as previously stated) an outdoors, overnight camp. It also has a strict no-cellphones/other electronic devices rule for the campers; staff are strongly encouraged to not use devices in front of campers for a variety of reasons. The service kind of sucks anyways... And counselors get around 2 hours of break a day, which also includes showering, so really it's a bit less. 

What I'm trying to say is that I'm going to be largely inactive for the vast majority of the summer.

Again, I have up to two hours of break every day, might be able to do some sneaky phone time when campers aren't looking and I also get (some of) Saturday off. This means that I may be able to sporadically respond to messages, and if I am feeling up to it I /might/ be able to do some very, very quick digital art. However, writing long posts, detailed or consistent art, etc is a no-go.


... Maybe, I might end earlier than that but we'll see.

I also might be working at the day camp for one week. If that is the case I'll get evenings off and can actually do some art :) But don't bet on it lol. 

Please understand that 22 hours of being a camp counselor a day is physically and mentally exhausting. If I don't get back to you or am not very chatty, I'm sorry. If it takes me three weeks to get to your character offer, I'm sorry. Knowing myself, I am going to likely prioritize 'easy' and 'fun' things due to my lack of energy -- which, if I'm predicting right, would probably just be chatting with friends. So either save your rougher things for after camp, or be content with a lackluster/late response ^^;;


  • Sumire's Blessings

As I'm sure my endless promotion has made you aware, Sumire's Blessings is soon-to-be entering it's second season. I am not the only moderator on the mod team! I have done my best with the time I had; I have faith that they will be able to run the applications smoothly. I will make an announcement when applications are posted (yes I will ping everyone who asked to be pinged <3) as soon as I can.

All thirty-six designs up for grabs designs can be found here. [I'm also allowing those who get in to use this base but no one else!! mwahaha!!]


Those designs, again, will be given freely to applicants who get in. The Season 1 server is open to spectators (and we also have a preview/practice application form up in there...)! Here is more information about the roleplay, and here is the list of all pre-made cats available for Season 2 (see previous link for what that /means/). 

Anyways, even though I am gone I am confident that the seven other people on the mod team can pull through! Keep an eye/ear out for when apps open.

  • First Watch

First Watch stuff is temporarily put on pause, although I will be working on story and maybe a bit of scripting at camp (Because funnily enough, notebooks are legal! Crazy, I know...). The base 3D model is coming along, I'm currently working on rigging it (which manages to screw everything else up because Blender hates me) and will move onto texture painting Sun's model soon! Although soon is relative, considering I won't have much time to work on it haha. 

Here's the GIF wip I posted a while ago -- I have since fixed the face, but I am Not showing you it because I haven't fixed the texture painting for the new mesh and he looks bald. So you get this slightly-weird face instead. 


  • Discord Server/Species/500+ Subs Thing

All three of these are tied together; and I'm sorry to say that it's going to have to happen after camp. I want to advertise my Discord server in the 500 subs thing (which will likely be some kind of raffle), and I want to code a bot for my species in the server before it starts up, and Python is hard to learn <//3. If it ends up still taking forever when I get back, I'll probably still drop the raffle before the Discord server gets finished if it ever does lol. 



(there's like. some species wip stuff bc i'm fairly confident i didn't post anything abt it on here...)

  • Writing Contest

Yes! I'm sorry this is coming a day late, but the winner of the writing contest is saltyb0ba, who wrote some ABSOLUTELY FIRE PROSE! Please, please go read it -- Leo is a FANTASTIC writer <3

  • ArtFight

So. I have an ArtFight account, and I have characters up. During it's runtime, I will try my best to make some attacks (Current strategy I plan on using: sketching out designs at camp, digitizing them on my day(? half day?) home); however please understand that it will be very, very hard for me to return any. If you would still like to attack me anyways, it is SUPER APPRECIATED!! 

"But how will I entertain myself without your endless string of content?? :("

Great news, I have created so much content in the past and unless you're stalking me (...) there is no way anyone has consumed all of it! Here are some Things I Have Made which you may entertain yourself with:

  1. You can read the entirety of (what I have posted of) First Fire. The writing is a bit old and it's sometimes clunky, but idk some people have told me it's entertaining :) At the very least it is Long.
  2. I have a YouTube channel which has quite a few videos! Here are some unlisted old or wip videos if you would like to watch them, too: [meme, map part, map part, meme, unfinished hawkfrost animatic, meme, voiceover speedpaint, sketch oc animatic, wip oc animatic i actually wanna finish, and finally an unfinished meme i wanna remake w/ a new model
  3. You can go read through all of the First Watch bios, because idk I think some of them are funny :) If I get the time tonight I'll put more of my lore dumps like this one in a stash/doc (they're pre-written but hosted on TiddlyWiki). Also super unrelated but muts/friends lmk if you want to be put on an 'i know flashfire + dashtag's secret identities' list bc all of their civilian art is private rn <//3 
  4. Go uhhmmm spectate Sumire's Blessings I write a lot of the plot :)
  5. Read back through every bulletin I have ever posted
  6. Stalk my Twitter account, where I exclusively simp for women with fangs.
You know, maybe I don't put out that much content... huh...

My final message: Go watch some of Dr. Sapolsky's psychology lectures. I know it looks boring, but give it five minutes and you'll be hooked!

also im at college orientation tomorrow lol so also not v active. next week + half is staff training so it's like a general downwards spiral into inactivity...

edit: aforementioned unorganized lore dump


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super super exited for apps to open hehehe

also camp!! I love summer camp omg especially when I get to go with friends :]]

we ly aster!!! u deserve a break over summer!! <333 please try not to stress yourself out over s2 apps!! ^^


Hi! I’ve never RPed before or anything like that but I would like to join and try if that’s ok?

if you're referring to sumire's blessings, the applications won't be open for a couple weeks. the server is open to speciation, though.

Ah yes i am. sorry I think I miss read that? May I be pinged? :D