A small apology re: dainty slot EO

Posted 2 years, 11 days ago by SilverKnight

I've posted an ad the other day entertaining offers on my dainty slot, with the full intention of not trading it and just wanting to see if I'd get offers, because I thought it would be fun to poke at the community a bit.

I'm usually a lot less petty and less of an asshole than this, but lately I've become so detached and tired that I just..  don't know. I slipped back to being an asshole, if only just for a day or two. This isnt who I want and strive to be, and I'm glad I was called out for being a massive hypocrite on a drama blog. I've taken down the ad and the slot is back to a "no offer" status, as it should have been even as I decided to be a jackass.

That said, I'm sorry if I've seemed a lot less talkative and fun to be around. I'd rather not spill my whole recent life story on a bulletin, but I'll gladly answer whatever question you may have.

I hope you guys are having a good one, and to the anon who called me out on csmeaner - thanks, sometimes I need a good kick in the ass.


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