
Posted 2 years, 14 days ago by LUC1G07CH1

I didn't wanted to talk about this, also sorry for the no-no word, but THIS SHIT IS GETTING OUT OF CONTROL!!!

Toyhouse user @lonelysaturn got "exposed" by a 29-year-old woman owning a big business for "faking being trans", "faking being a minor" and for "pedophilia and murder". However, none of this is true, and, in fact, this is making this user feel much worse. This will probably make the user being hated on, and even, ARRESTED, without any kind of reason.

Bulleting adressing the situation
E-mail where lonelysaturn got "exposed"

Anyways, I know this because I was accused by this grown woman too. I was accused by her for ALL she accused lonelysaturn, and thus, for PRETENDING TO BE BRAZILIAN/HAVING BROKEN ENGLISH ON 2017. Muito foda nota 0.
Proof (there are some notes in Portuguese, because I also used these screenshoots for news on my games and on my YouTube channel)

We both used this game engine for making games, and as you can see, our artstyles are very distinct. HOWEVER, yes, we are the same person, trust her, she's saying the truth /j
Also, everyone I know believes this woman was been hacked before. SHE'S NOT, AND WAS NEVER HACKED.

Anyways, how you want users in your website, if you are banning everyone AND accusing EVERY SINGLE USER OF YOUR WEBSITE for being ONE SINGLE PERSON ALONE? Kinda pointless aren't it?


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