Aw jeeze RIP Charahub

Posted 5 years, 4 months ago by Chocolatewoosh

Did you ever use Charahub at one point?

6 Votes Yeah, used to!
4 Votes Nah, never used it / Never heard of it
2 Votes I STILL USE IT!!!

TURNS OUT CHARAHUB IS KICKIN' THE BUCKET.. (For those curious, here's the official link to the site owners stating such!) Which means I really aughta bite the bullet and transfer the rest of my character's profiles from Charahub to!! I don't think there'll be all THAT many I'll be uploading (Oh, only around... 10? 11?? profiles, no biggie,) but I gotta do it before March 1st!! In case any of you guys also have a charahub, now's the time to save all your stuff before they purge the site completely!

This is also a sort of Heads Up in case you guys notice me uploading a TON of characters and super old art for the next few days. fdkjlfdkljg TIME TO ROUND UP SOME OLD OCS N MAKE 'EM BRAND NEW AGAIN



It’s sad to see it go rip ):

I’ve gotta to the same too, upload a buncha characters I haven’t already fjfnnf sALUTES TO YOU GOOD LUCK FREN


That sucks! Ah well, it's good incentive! Wrangle em up and bring 'em home.