Selling all of my characters

Posted 5 years, 3 months ago by Dumbling

Ok, so I am trying to save up some money in order to be able to achieve my dream of going to my favorite band's concert !

So I decided to sell (almost) all of my characters ! (characters in the "personnal" folder are still 100% off-limits, please don't ask for them).

I also made a pot, so if you feel generous

I will also take commissions, however I have no set price, so feel free to contact me on my main account Hyeokookie and we can discuss on a price together.
You can find exemple of my art on many social medial :



I like these two, can I ask how much they are? 0v0 

Oliver is at $15 and Narcisse is only up for trade ; v;


forgot to ping u im sorry

How much $$ would you consider for Raven?

Aah I got him in a trade so I don't think I am allowed to sell him ;;

You are! Oncha's TOS allows you to sell them even if you recieved in a trade, as long as it's equal to the value of what you traded.
(you can read his TOS [here])


Oh I see. However I can't really put a price on his worth. ;;
I got him with two other characters for only one of mine, so I don't think he really worth a lot.

Hey, I was wondering if you were still interested in buying Raven or not ;;

I am but right now I have no spare money aha

Aah it's ok ;;