Perma Trading Bulletin

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by Goonba

Figured I should update this account since I've a few followers on it.
I'm kinda of feeling overwhelmed by how much I've got up for trade so I'm pushing to let things go pretty quickly. Going to make a quick list of things I'm looking for and alter it as time goes on, so check back periodically.

I am willing to let designs go for one adopt/offer, depending

Currently seeking:
Pokemon (ferals specifically, no anthros)
Ponies/Horses (not high priority)
Money (For those with USD prices)
Humanoids that are not super effeminate/cute designs or grunge/emo artstyles? (think the mig species, not sure what to call it)

I'm slowly moving stuff into the folder - adding over time (though I'd be chill to trade some since not were all received for free, better chance of grabbing a design)

Lastly: Please PM Houndour with trades, as I might take a bit to respond here. I don't check this account super often and can sometimes take up to a week to respond


I have a gijinka here:

I do like their design a lot. Were you interested in someone in particular?

I’m so glad! I didn’t see anyone I was super into, but can you offer art?

Oh I don't draw, sorry!

Oh no worries!! USD also works but if not no worries!

An no sorry, only trading off what I have.

1 Replies