Posted 2 years, 7 days ago by WeirdStashGangstaCat

Favorite Oc[s]? Stash 2.0, definitely my favorite one. While I still need to draw her most recent, up-to-date look. She's still my fave.

Boyfriend/Girlfriend? Nope, broke up with mine about a year ago. 

Comfort Characters? Well, I made Zephyr to be my comfort child, they represent the me I discovered last year.

Fandoms? AOT, DND, MHA, Minecraft, Pokemon, BOTW. 

Favorite Species? Cat's and bear's. 

Who is in your icon? It's my girl Colbie!

Fashion/Aesthetic that interests you? My fashion asethetic is a lot of hipster flannel's, cool vintage windbreaker's hoodies, and jean's. It's mostly pretty bland. Wouldn't really call it a fashion aesthetic haha. But a lot of aesthetic's do interest me! Cabincore/Forestcore, Vaporwave, 80's-90's aesthetic, and vintage stuff. Few other's to that I realy like. 

Favorite colorsBlue!! Purple my 2nd fave. 

Social Level? I can be pretty social but I need my time to decompress. Whether it be drawing, listening to music or solo gaming. 

Sexualities? I am bisexual! Pretty straightforward on that. 


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