Terms of Service

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by Cherrii_Latte


I am allowed to decline commissions I may feel uncomfortable with, feel I am unable to do, or if I already have enough to do at that time.

You may ask for progress images if you feel the need to. One thing I ask when doing so is please do not ask 24/7. Not only will this demotivate me from working on the commission, I may decline further works from the commissioner.

All payment is up-front. I would rather work on half a commission then have the person back out than finish a whole commission and only get half the pay.

Refunds depend on how far I have gotten into a commission. If I have only done the basics of a sketch, you will get paid back in full. If I have started the base colors or started shading, you will get half of what you paid back. Instigating a refund will not grant you the artwork though as the commission has been withdrawn, and the payment I keep is for the time and effort I used on the drawing.

Please share a CLEAR but watermarked version of your character reference. I like to ensure I don't miss any details that may be important to a character so blurry reference sheets hinder my ability to do so. Watermarks also help ensure the protection of a character online, hence why I prefer using watermarked reference sheets.


Do not sell a design by me for more than what you got them for more than their worth. If you have paid or gotten more art of the character, then their worth will of course raise to add that worth. If you got a design from me via art or trade, their worth will automatically be what was offered for them. (i.e. A trade worth $20 will make the adopt worth $20)

I allow redesigns of my designs. If you wish to change a characters pallet a bit or add new features, feel free to do so. The main thing I ask when redesigning a design of mine is to respect a species creators TOS as most of my designs may be apart of a closed or semi-open species. If you are unsure of a characters species, you are free to ask me.

I will rarely hold designs. If you are someone I trust (e.g. Friends, acquaintances, or frequent buyers) I will hold a designs for a max of 3 days unless stated otherwise. Otherwise, I will not hold a character for payment when others may want to have a chance to offer on a design.

When reselling a design by me, please make sure NOT to sell it to a blacklisted user. People will be on my blacklist for a reason and I do not want them to own something by me if they have done something to make me uncomfortable or harm other users. Same goes for users on a species blacklist; If a design by me is that of a species origin, please respect the species creators TOS and blacklist. 

I may edit or add to this as I see fit. For now, this is just the basics of my TOS or Terms of Service. Breaking any of these may result in a blacklist depending on the severity of the cause or result in me not doing much buisness with a user. 


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