I need feedback /imp to me (also vent)

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by Lynxshroom

What do I improve on (A vote would help)

0 Votes Paws
0 Votes Faces
4 Votes Facial structure
0 Votes Floof
0 Votes Ears
1 Votes Tails
0 Votes Legs
2 Votes Bodies
1 Votes Something else (comment)

My art is shit

that got confirmed today my a comment (made by one of my biggest inspos mind you)

Im not gonna mention who it was but idk man, it just made me feel rlly shitty abt myself and my art

i can already see myself having a trashy day today,,

Anyways I want to know what you don’t like/want me to improve on for my art

i didnt out a ‘nothing’ answer because I genuinely want to know what I can improve on

and if possible, please provide me with ideas for improving my art style

i already know it looks like fucking shit so I wanna know what to do to make it look better

Sorry for the ramble, just needed to get that out


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Ty for the feedback ahhh

i do colour my lineart and im in no way a professional at shading ack but im trying my hardest, I’ve never really understood how the light source works for some reason? Idk how to explain it but like, it makes sense in my head but when I try to put it in my art it just doesn’t work?? Idk lmao

the shading style I have is supposed to give the illusion of fur being textured rather than just flat colours but some parts i add a bit of shading, overall though it’s mainly just to add texture to the fur and hair

sorry for rambling, just wanted to mention that

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Whoever said that is an asshole. You have one of my favorite styles. 

But I get wanting to improve, I want to improve too. I voted facial structures, because that's what I'm working on currently so I can throw what I've been doing as a suggestion. A good way to work on facial structures is to use random shapes and see what happens. Like a triangle, or a star, or anything really. If you're like me you'll not like the results at first, but if you stick with trying different shapes you start to get a feel for how to make them work.

Ty for the tips eep <3