Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by Ashleigh

I support basic healthcare and personal rights. ABORTION IS A BASIC HEALTHCARE RIGHT.

The SCOTUS has betrayed the majority of Americans and is disassembling decades of medical and personal rights advancements that we have worked HARD for.

This will not stop at Roe vs. Wade.

Get your filthy, non-consent hands off my uterus! I am PISSED!


We've got a long, ugly battle ahead but I'm glad to know so many good people are going to be in it with me. <3

I feel hatred right now, it's not right that they decide what happens to MY body. Thank you for spreading this.   

❤️❤️❤️❤️ In my line of work (postpartum care) I see one of the most direct consequences of lack of prenatal/abortion care. Mothers forced to have children they did not want, or were forced into them against their will. Mothers who love and want their children with all their heart, but whose babies have life ending conditions. I've held a mother as she wept over her baby girl (deceased) because "they said it was too late, that I'd have to wait and give birth". I've had mothers whose uterus was forever traumatized (or emergently removed) because of the damage childbirth did to them. Mothers who cant afford birth control, who don't have a choice, but who can't afford to feed more children either.

To say I am angry is an understatement. I am truly and deeply disgusted at the state of this country when it comes to women's health and wellbeing. We are not cattle to be bred and thrown to the slaughterhouse. We are living, breathing, beautiful beings who just want the respect and healthcare we deserve and desperately need.

There are so many women out there are going to be effected terribly by this choice, it's honestly a shame. I had an abortion when I was 4 weeks into my pregnancy, I decided to terminate due to I was 16 yrs old and I wasn't ready for it at all and I didn't want to put another child into this world to take away from children already waiting to get adopted.. Honestly abortion saved my life, and if I wasn't able to do it safely I am afraid for what I would've tried to do. I hope we can get our rights back. It feels like we took a huge step back in women's rights..   

ALSO THANK YOU FOR COMFORTING THESE WOMEN, you are honestly a super hero