Weekend family trip

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by jcorbari

I'm back from my weekend trip with the wife and kid!
The trip was really fun, we went to the big city and stayed at this Japanese neighborhood that is famous for Asian food and stores.
We ate lots of good food, bought some condiments to bring home and my kid went crazy and wanted everything he saw lol
We also went to the Hello Kitty Cafe, which he was so looking forward to, and by the time we got inside.... he was to tired from walking around all day that he fell asleep on the table xD 

OOOOOH ALSO! We went to the Japanese History Museum to teach a little bit of culture to our son [btw for those who don't know, he is half japanese and half italian - but born in Brazil HAHAHAH] 

We rode the subway, which was exciting lol [we live in a small city, so small that i can count the amount of building we have hahahha] and experienced the big city life. By the end of it... we were all so dead tired! My body is still aching a little bit and now i know why the big city life is so chaotic! xDD
It's nice to go out but it's so good to be back home hahahahahha 

I'll share some photos here: 


And now back to work! <3
Have a lovely week ahead friends! 

Also, if you want to help out your friend here who underestimated the price for the big city.... please check my commissions! LOL - but sadly true] 


That looks like so much fun! I might have to go check out the Hello Kitty Cafe sometime... I'm glad you had fun!

Yeeees, it was a lot of fun!! But my body's still aching LOL need more exercise hahahahha
If you ever have the chance to go, please do! It's really nice to see such cute food hahahha 

Honestly same, I can't run 2 minutes without wheezing, but that may be the asthma...

I will, Thank you!


YEEEEESSSSS, it was soooo much fun, it's nice to see the big city once in a while hahahahaha although we almost got lost on the subway.
The food was amazing. And those are katanas! They had so many and if i'm not wrong... i think some of them were presents from the Japanese Royal Family to the Brazilian government, and some were donated by japanese families that came to Brazil 100 years ago.  

oh no! that sucks :(

WOAH that's rlly cool omg i would to see them if it were possible 🤔

Aaaah I'm glad you guys had fun! All that food looks super tasty 👀

Awn thank you so much, we had the best time! And hope you had an amazing weekend as well! 

OMG y'all are so lucky 😍

I've been meaning to go to Hello Kitty Cafe ... One day haha 

I feel for your son though, walking around places takes a number out of me x.x but I hope you all enjoyed yourselves ✿✿

I don't have much money myself so I wish you get some nice clients in the future! 

Hope you'll be able to go one day too!!! We don't have that sort of fun activities where we live so that was a lot of fun!
Yeeees, the first day he was so tired, but on the other days we took more time to rest so he wouldn't fall asleep xDD Although everytime we got back to the hotel to rest... he was the only one who wouldn't rest xDDD
Awn that's so sweet of you and don't worry at all! Just the thought makes me so happy! <3333 

Wow that food looks so good!

Glad you had a great vacation with your family, you guys must have had a lot of fun~

The food was so delicious! I'm already craving them hahahahha
Thank you! We had the best time and hope you had an awesome weekend too! <333 

That's so amazing and I'm so happy that you and your family had fun!! Also I would com you if I could, your art is amazing! Unfortunately my com's haven't been going so well so I'm broke 😅

OMG, do not worry about that hahahaha thank you so much for the lovely words and i hope your commissions will do well from now on!
Just the thought makes me happy! <333 

You're welcome, and thanks to you too <33 It's probably because I do writing commissions since I'm not much of an artist, and if it's not art, most people don't care much.

TRIP SOUNDS LIKE IT WAS FUN!!!!! also uhh sorry abt the question feel free to tell me if im being invasive but. are you brazilian. bc i SWEAR i recognize these places from my city and you mentioned brazil so i kinda. yeah. if you are brazilian im so happy 2 know welcome to the brazilian on toyhouse club 👍 IF NOT THATS COOL i hope you enjoyed :3

HAHAHAHAHAHHA SIIIIIM! Mais um brasileiro aqui hahahaha você mora em São Paulo então?
Sou do interior e fomos passar um final de semana ai xDD que loucura de cidade. Tinha esquecido de como tudo é uma correria ai! [Ficamos na Liberdade pra conhecer a feira do fim de semana. Mas da próxima vez queremos ir durante a semana pq muito difícil andar lá e olhar com calma as coisas xDD] 

HAHAHAH que coincidencia!!!!! sou de sao paulo sim!! é realmente uma loucura mas eu nunca morei em outro lugar, entao ja me acostumei... nao conseguiria morar em um lugar mais calmo hehe. mas que bom que aproveitaram!! de dia de semana a liberdade parece outro lugar, sério. recomendo muito ir no museu catavento da proxima vez, acho que seu filho vai adorar!!

Meu Deus! Foi tão caótico que quase ficamos loucos hahahaha Minha esposa nasceu e morou muitos anos ai, então ela ama a agitação e correria. Mas eu não estou acostumado não hahahahha Pra passear é uma delícia. Mas pra morar, não sei se conseguiria hahahaha
Siiiim nós queremos ir pra esse museu da próxima vez! Já estava na lista da ultima vez que fomos e não deu tempo. Temos que ficar pelo menos uma semana ai pra poder fazer tudo que queremos hahahahahahha é muita coisa pra fazer! 

omg i'm glad you guys had fun !! the food looks so good in those pics,, i hope you and your family ate well, and get lots of rest now that you're home !! <33

Awn thank you so much!!! We had a blast and now we'll spent the whole week to recover hahahahahhaha but it was all worth it ^^
Hope you had a fun weekend too! <333