What do you think my oc's are worth?

Posted 5 years, 2 months ago by Arianstar

I'm curious to what others think my oc's are worth. Normally I wouldn't consider selling any of them, but at this point I may very well do so if the offer is right. I am not saying I will, but you never know.

I am very curious to what others think they are worth though.


I don't think I could answer that question, I think all of your OCs are amazing but only you can know how much they are worth <3 It depends on how much you 'click with' a particular OC. If you want a particular amount of points for an OC, you could set the price to what you think is appropriate. 

In my eyes, your OCs are priceless <3

Are you considering selling any?

Thanks hun, I figured I would ask because I never know what to price anything XD I love all my oc's and if I've ever had one I haven't clicked with I've rehomed them. I think I put this up mostly to see what happened, because if I'm honest if it came down to someone wanting to buy one bad enough to give me an offer I couldn't refuse I would cave, if it would help mom I would do whatever it took.

I've thought about it, but probably wouldn't unless someone gave me a shocking offer and then I probably would just to help mom. You know what I mean by that <3

No problem, I understand, you especially have a passion for your OCs <3 You could try making a journal and submitting to groups on DA if it came to selling your OCs for money (you could see if you could get a good deal). I'd help and make a journal for you <3 Hopefully, it does not come down to this, but if you sell your OCs, I promise to help re-build your 'collection' in the same way you helped me when I returned to DA. I'll repay your gratitude. I could also make more adopts for you to sell for real money. 

Yeah, I get what you mean. I hope you are both ok

Right now I don't have to go that route, but I told mom if I had to I would. She said no, we're going to sell junk around the house first. She doesn't want me to unless we have no alternative. I thank you for the help, if I have to do that and the idea of rebuilding my oc's <3 I may try some money adopts, but haven't been able to do it yet. I also thought maybe seeing if anyone would be willing to buy profiles from me fleshing out characters, since I'm a writer at heart maybe that would work XD

I told mom I thought about going back to drawing, but I can't draw people to save my life. I'll just have to wait and see what happens. We're both ok right now, I had to pull out my B**** card the other day with Mom's oxygen people to get her concentrator around and fight with the specialists she is supposed to see. She got a denial letter, but it's sorted. I just have to get things together to get her there, but I was so mad I mentioned lawyer. Right now I'm lookig for another pharmacy for mom, they ran out of her one med and didn't tell me so she's been up for two days with about an hour sleep. I'm scary right now lol

I'm glad you haven't resorted to that. No problem, I'm here to help anyway I can <3 I encourage you to use your writing abilities, it should work well <3 (the money adopts could work too if you have the time)

Wow, what a load of d**ks! You should have released every ounce of hell on them! To be honest, I knew American healthcare wasn't perfect but this is the worst case I've ever heard. There should be free healthcare worldwide. If you guys lived here, it would all be sorted within a week :( Stay strong, and maybe.. stay scary xD 

Maybe I'll do that, I'll do up some character write outs when I get some time and see what happens XD (other than my own lol) I didn't actually realize how many characters I have. I have so many written ones with no visible references except for words it isn't funny XD. Lots of stories, notes and characters now I just need to figure them all out.

Yep, that pretty much sums it up. I pulled by B**** card and raised hell, it's sorted for now, but it's ridiculous >_> I agree with you, that would be amazing if they would give out free healthcare, mom would feel better with it. If we lived there, you would probably be stopping me from strangling someone for messing with mom XD. I'm beginning to get why mom wants to live anywhere but here, I hope we get her health on track and she gets her wish. Maybe a miracle will happen, I can get published and she can have her island. I'll send out tickets to Sam, you and a couple others and we can have a beach party lol.

I'm trying to stay strong, I got you and Sam to help and I'll definitely remain scary. Seems being scary is the only way to get anything done around here lol

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