Notes on Sable & Art, DTL

Posted 5 years, 1 month ago by Sabel

"Raposa?" Your original species, or...?

The Raposa species originates from the game Drawn to Life, released in 2007 for Nintendo DS and developed by 5th Cell (also known for Lock's Quest and Scribblenauts). The name comes from the Portuguese word for "fox." They're cute, useless little critters, for the most part, who enjoy partying and eating. A common interjection/exclamation/minced oath is "rapo!" Adorable.

The introductory cutscene tells the tale of creation. All things were drawn in the Book of Life...etc. Of course, since then many raposa have migrated away from the city where the Book is held and settled all corners of the world. Without a primary source, such knowledge is taken with a grain of salt.

And Droogs, droog? Or Droogles?

The Droogles' details come mainly from my head. They're a tribe of raposa who are a part of the same world. The name was one allegedly used in DTL's development, but it was changed to raposa. Maybe 5th Cell didn't want to look like they were making a Clockwork Orange reference in a game rated E. Who knows? The name originates from the Russian word for "friend."


That's him. thats the friend

So they're furries? OwO

I do have a fursona. However, if you examine the raposa closely, you will see that they, unfortunately, have no snouts. For that reason I must judge that they are not furry. A raposa is simply a hairy man. A Droogle is a very hairy elf. Those are the facts.

Thanks for coming to my AMA!


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