Toyhouse Bans

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by H0UNDT33TH

Toyhouse admins.. fix your banning system. For reals. People who are banned can have thousands of dollars worth in characters and are not warned before hand, not even the OCs go back to the previous owners or designers. BATTMEAT / BILLCIPHER were just banned with no warning(s) and can do nothing about their now voided/frozen characters. I've also had some of MY OWN designs stay stuck in banned/closed accounts and while those designs were ones i had no care in getting them back, i understand some designers frustration now that their designs have been forced to be taken either off of TH or are not being used at all (which breaks a lot of users T.O.S, by the way.)

Not even just that, reporting almost does nothing. Characters being stolen or ripped off need many many reports for something to be done about it, and while i understand, sometimes that isnt fully feasible. Most closed accounts i've seen were banned for falsifying their ages, and of course i see the problems with lying about your age to see things you shouldnt be on toyhouse, there is nothing other than an out right ban/closed account when dealing with this issue. Is there even any type of warning issued for anything? Or is the most extreme and only option closing accounts? Of course this is just what i've personally seen, but it is upsetting. I do have a backup of most of my characters art and info in case something does happen to TH or my accounts, i'd suggest anyone who sees this does the same just to be safe.


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