
Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by LightningBug

So... I need to say 2000 up to get my teeth fixed, well. At least get the down payment and then pay 260 a month for 2 years.

All together it costs 8,150 dollars. I need 1,910 for the down payment to get the process started. I am 1,350 dollars short...

I have commissions open and any brought would help me so much. I didn't want to have to ask but its gotten to the point where I have to... I have commission pricing up but I'll put it here as well. Work isn't helping with cutting back my hours, so on the look out for a better job

::Com prices:: Headshot: 10usd Bust/halfbody: 15usd Fullbody: 20usd Fullbody with background: 25usd Add on's: Extra 5 to original price.

Anything helps.. I'm gonna be serious saving. But this will help keep the pressure off...


I know its not much but share this around with yours if youd like - i wanna offer free headshots with proof of commissions for you to help encourage buying - i know its not much i wish i could do more but i hope it helps -

Anything helps at this point and time. So thank you, even just sharing the post could potentially help. Again, thank you