Cool object species!

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by SputnikSketches

Welcome to Florfolia Forest!

Florfolia are a closed species created by Klipp, Mailo, Haru, Paxton, and Doggi! They are slug-like / dragon-like creatures who live in plant pots for protection, and live and adapt in damp places! However, some of them adapt to other climates, and develop different traits!

The server is just at it's grand opening, and we're hosting an event! A MYO event! Not only can you get leaves (Florfloria's currency) easily, but raffles and adopts will be hosted at times too!

We also offer a huge variety of emotes, both static and animated, large amount of bots, wide-spread of channels, roles, and much more! And we'd love to see you there, each and every one of you! /pos

Right now we're hosting this event from

August 1st, to August 15th!

And at the end, a huge raffle will be hosted for the

top five advertisers!! So come on in, join the fun,

it'll be great to see you there!

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