Siv's do's and don'ts

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by sivanhe

idk man i figured i'd just do one of these bc why not
also no i will not put this in a profile warning bc that's not what those were intended for /nm

•Draw my OCs! You don't need my permission to draw them if you want to, fanart is always appreciated! <3
•Kin my characters or add them to dreamie lists! Kinning is fine as long as it isn't any of my sonas or problematic characters, and as long as you don't gatekeep others from kinning the same character.
•Draw your OCs interacting with mine! I love seeing the dynamics between characters <3
•Make headcanons for my OCs! As long as they're not problematic, go nuts and please tell me! I may even make some of them canon :D
•Comment on my OCs' profiles! Whatever you want to say, as long as it isn't rude, go right ahead!
•Spam favourite! I don't mind all the notifications; it makes me happy to know that people like my characters that much :D
•Talk to me if you have any questions or concerns! I promise, I don't bite! If you have a valid problem with me (and not just trivial stuff like not liking that I draw NSFW, for example), PLEASE let me know so we can talk it out!
•Credit my art PROPERLY. I don't want to see you upload an image with yourself as the art credit and then credit me in the description or in your character's bio or whatever. USE THE CREDIT FEATURE. IT'S NOT THAT HARD.
•Interact if you're a kin double! My kins are Fluttershy (MLP), Axol (SMG4, pre-Internet Graveyard/Melony shenanigans), and Sylvia Tilly (Star Trek: Discovery), and I would be THRILLED to meet any kin twins, especially Axol and Tilly!

•Interact if you fit anything on my DNI list (I know it's long I'm sorry 😭)
•Think I support any problematic actions of my OCs. The beliefs of the creations don't always reflect the beliefs of the creator.
•Ask for requests, art trades, roleplays, or just advertise on my profile in general.
•Directly copy or steal my characters' designs or my art. Inspiration and colourpicking are fine (I don't own colours or design traits lmao), but don't make your design look like a ripoff of mine.
•Use my OCs or art for NFTs. Get that shit out of here.
•Oversexualize my OCs. It's fine if you simp for them (as long as you and the character are both adults; if you're a minor, keep it respectful), but don't treat them like objects. I've had this happen to my OCs MULTIPLE times, and it makes me extremely uncomfortable. And if the character is a minor and/or a feral (or is otherwise unable to consent), back off. That's gross.
•Ship your OCs with mine without talking to me about it beforehand, ESPECIALLY not if the ship is weird or problematic (minor x adult, feral x non feral, etc.)
•Draw NSFW of OCs that don't have the "nsfw ok" tag, ESPECIALLY not if they're unable to consent in any way. If you want to draw NSFW of an OC with the tag, please ask me first. If you're a minor who wants to do this or you don't have your age on your profile, you'll be automatically rejected. The latter is an exception if you tell me your age (and you're at least 18, obviously). If you're caught lying, you'll be blocked and reported.
•Draw any kind of fetish/kink art of my OCs, regardless if they have the NSFW tag or not. That stuff makes me extremely uncomfortable.
•Age up underage characters or make them look older than they actually are. If a young character has an older design and you want to draw that, then that's fine, as long as you don't sexualize them.
•Change body types or skin colours. We don't do that shit here, that's nasty.
•Humanize non-human OCs without permission.
•RP as my OCs.
•Infantilize me or my neurodivergent/disabled OCs. Disabilities and disorders are not "cute", and I and many of my OCs are adults who can take care of themselves perfectly fine.


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