emergency purge bump + cheap sketches

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by coyotears

everyone in my purge folder + tentative subfolder are up for sale (unless they say free) 

everyone in this tag is up for sale as well! 

i have added prices to all the characters im selling, and am willing to take a little less for the more expensive ones 

im also temporarily opening $10 sketch commissions--they will take time to complete, because of my situation with my grandfather kicking me and my family out. im currently having to stay locked in my mothers room, only being allowed to leave occasionally to eat or use the bathroom (for my own safety--to keep my grandfather away from me) and we're in the process of packing our things and looking for properties that are being rented out

youre free to order as many as you want--but do keep in mind the fact that ill likely take a long time to get to them! honestly the last thing i wanted to do was open up commissions because i already have a backlog but im out of options. which is why im only doing sketches 

ill be trying to set up a trello for these as there are currently unlimited slots. ive had really bad luck with trello in the past so lets hope it works for me this time T_T

if you would like to buy any characters and/or get any sketches, please comment what you want along with ref/s if youre ordering the art ^^

please dont dm me! ill probably forget about it--please keep it to the comments on this bulletin <3

also, sharing this around would help a bunch!! 

im determined not to let my situation break me. ive been thrown around like a ragdoll and beaten down my entire life and i just want to be able to live without fear. getting kicked out is terrifying--but if i can make this work, and save up enough money for us to be able to afford rent, it'll become my first step towards a normal life


Heya! I wanna buy this guy from you! https://toyhou.se/12648135.party-ringz-35 :) 

Are you able to do holds?? I can pay thursday : >

yeah i can! 

what is it that youre planning on buying? just so i can note it down ^^

I actually can get this guy right now. https://toyhou.se/14227057.-10

I can also do all of these for thursday so I'm hoping that will help you out!! https://toyhou.se/10164487.fang-15 https://toyhou.se/17481380.-20#53422484 https://toyhou.se/17481417.ota-wip- (I'm fine with just getting the sketch for this so I can design it :>) https://toyhou.se/10058971.pakko-35 https://toyhou.se/10369321.genki-30

maybe https://toyhou.se/12827246.worm-30 if thursday comes around and I still want them

OMG thank you so so much ill put all of them in my hold folder for you rn <33
would you like me to put worm on hold too or should i leave them as they are?

also, please send the $10 here --> https://paypal.me/coyotears

if you end up changing your mind on thursday abt this then no worries! its a lot so id understand completely 

sure! put it on hold if that's okay! and I sent the payment for the baby!

ah apologies for the late response! will do ^^
sending the character over rn, tysm!!!

2 Replies

I could do $25 for these two on Wednesday 



i can put em on hold for you ^^