• hfj one

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by thymeskip

have you watched it?

4 Votes yes, and finished it so far!!
1 Votes not quite all the way through, but yeah!
6 Votes i’ll probably watch it
12 Votes nope

link to the playlist because you should watch it:

okay okay okay

so i finally took the time to watch it
and finished it all in one sitting

and honestly?

never seen anything better

the story is so well written
and just

very hard to put into words tbh

my favorite character’s probably airy though
seems kinda weird once you’ve seen the show
but the small amount of emotion in his line ”hey guys, check it out. i made clouds”

i just kinda laughed at that

he’s just lonely
and i feel that

here’s the link: https://youtu.be/BjGTlxIiXjs?t=155
idk anymore haha


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and least favorite character? that’s a hard one seeing as i don’t dislike any of the characters
i think it’d have to be bassy
solely for the reason of how they didn’t play much of a role nor had much character development
you could argue this point for most in batch two,
but i just like contact lens and airline food a bit too much to name them my least favorite

what about you?
and while you’re at it, what’s your favorite character as well?

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i can totally see why you like airy tbh,, i don't think he's actually evil. i mean cmon how can an evil person have that little emotion

i have so many theories about it,, though most of them seem unlikley/disproven after the last episode (17th)

like i thought maybe, the whole game show thing was passed down to airy by his parent/s and he only did it because he felt obligated

that was the main one, i think i had others but i forgot tbh


ikr?? and i wrote this just before i watched episode 17
that’s because youtube glitched and didn’t show that it was in the playlist
so i just assumed it didn’t exist :/

but after watching 17
i link airy approximately 100 times more
poor misunderstood lonely lad

and those is a pretty cool theory
but i also do kinda like what the creator’s laid out for him
and the way he smiled when starting the next challenge
it made my heart happy haha

AH i see

IKR hes juts a lonley lil guy

that was truly a wonderful part,, he just looked so happy

but like doesn't he have any hobbies? besides forcing people into game shows? like ig not but he should really go out and get some cause,, yeah,,

i really wanna see what all is happening on the plain,, like hows bryce/soda bottle holding up? is he.. ok? i know i would be having a mental breakdown if i was him so i really hope hes doing ok