Wild Grass

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by Sprigavee

You encounter the wild grass, and see a variety nearby. You ready your pokeball;



Contains just your normal Eevees!

300 Poke

Checkmate ball

Contains monochromatic Unovan fusions!

500 Poke

Love ball

Contains friendship evolution fusions!

 500 Poke

Premiere Ball

Contains Stone and Trade Evolution Fusions!

 750 poke

Beta Ball

Contains Beta Pokemon fusions!

900 poke

GS Ball

Contains fusions of fan favorite pokemon!

 750 poke



Shiny Charm

5000 Poke

(Guarantees ONE eevee you catch is shiny)

Patterned Charm

1000 Poke

(Guarantees ONE eevee you catch has Patterned)

Melanin Charm

800 poke
(Guarantees ONE eevee you catch has either Albino/Melanistic outside of Checkmate Balls)



Using (IF trinket):

Total Amount:


Can I buy 2 pokeball please for 600


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)
Chimera: Melanistic

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patterned)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Buying: 5 Beta Ball + 5 GS Ball

Total Amount: 4500 + 3750 = 8250 poke


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Honoguma)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Winged + Gyaon)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Multi-tail + Mizuo)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patterned + Eefi)
Chimera: Glitched + Kasanagi

Lvl 5 Eevee (Coloured + Bo-Bo)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Coloured/Crystallised + Shinx)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Coloured + Plusle)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Spiky/Multi-tail + Impidimp)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Pikachu)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Crystallised/Spiky + Morpeko)
Chimera: Albino/Winged/Multi-tail + Wooper

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Naming: Lvl 5 Eevee (Coloured + Plusle) = Anxiety

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Pikachu) = Depression

Lvl 5 Eevee (Coloured/Crystallised + Shinx) = Nicky

The others remain as Eevee please :)

Buying: 1 Beta Ball

Total Amount: 900


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Piebald + Dainabea)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

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"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patches + Gorachu)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Piebald + Paon)
Chimera: Kanto/Patches + Kotora

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Pupurin)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Piebald + Hanaryuu)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Winged + Jaranra)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

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"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patches)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

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Buying: x1 pokeball

Total: 300


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Name them Pepper please 


Buying: 1 premiere ball

Total Amount: 750


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patterned + Kadabra)
Chimera: Melanistic/Winged + Munna

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Can I please have 1 premiere ball, 2 GS balls and a checkmate ball

Total: 2750


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Frillish)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Rhydon)
Chimera: Melanistic/Winged + Shelmet

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Feebas)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Ralts)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

i'd like to get 15 pokeballs please (total is 4500 POKE) :)


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Piebald/Patches)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patches)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)
Chimera: Kanto

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Piebald/Coloured)
Chimera: Melanistic/Patterned

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Coloured)
Chimera: Kanto/Patches

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patches)
Chimera: Kanto

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Coloured)
Chimera: Kanto

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patches)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Coloured)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

buyin a single Pokéball for 300 poké! gimme that kanto!!
name whatever comes out Hoja!


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)
Chimera: Albino/Patterned

"And noted!"

buying 5 GS balls for 3750 (i love gambling)


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Winged + Dratini)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Gible)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patches + Pansage)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Goomy)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Togedemaru)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

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"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)
Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Timburr)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

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2 GS Balls for 1500 poke plz


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Gligar)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Rockruff)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Buying: 2 pokeball 

Total Amount: 600


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Piebald)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Piebald)- Samantha

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto) -Alex


10 normal pokeballs for 3000!


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Patches)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Patches/Coloured)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Coloured)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic)
Chimera: Kanto/Coloured

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Coloured/Piebald)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino)
Chimera: Albino/Patches

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Piebald)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patterned)
Chimera: Kanto

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

buying: x1 pokeball 

Total: 300 poke


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Piebald)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

delirious sobbing

25 love balls

12.5k kromer 


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Winged + Budew)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Patterned + Togepi)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Coloured/Piebald + Igglybuff)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Multi-tail/Winged + A. Meowth)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Coloured + Chingling)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Multi-tail + Chingling)
Chimera: Albino + Riolu

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Patches + A. Meowth)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Piebald/Patches + A. Meowth)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Coloured + Zubat)
Chimera: Albino/Patches + Woobat

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Multi-tail/Patches + Azurill)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Multi-tail + Igglybuff)
Chimera: Albino/Patches/Patterned + Pichu

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Winged + Zubat)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Happiny)
Chimera: Melanistic + Riolu

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Winged + Happiny)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Piebald + Togepi)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Delta(Fairy) + Sewaddle)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Piebald + Budew)
Chimera: Melanistic + Zubat

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patches + Happiny)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Coloured + Pichu)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Multi-tail + Woobat)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Patches + Sewaddle)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Winged + Buneary)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Togepi)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Munchlax)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Budew)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

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"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Coloured/Shiny/Patterned + Paon)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Buying a Beta Ball and a normal Pokeball for 1200 poke


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Coloured/Patterned)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Multi-tail + Dainabea)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

May I please name the Albino/Colored/Patterned Eevee Altern and the Kanto/Multi-Tail + Dainabea Albini


Buying: x1 pokeball

Total Amount: 300 poke


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patches)
Chimera: Albino

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

hit me with your best shot 😎

buying 5 GS balls for 3750!


"Oh why don't you hit me with your best shot?"

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Crystallised/Piebald + Murkrow)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Winged + G.Zigzagoon)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Bewear)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Multi-tail + Stufful)
Chimera: Kanto + Minun

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Togedemaru)
Chimera: Kanto/Spiky + Solosis

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Buying: 1 Love, 1 GS

Total Amount: 500+750=1250


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Delta(Fairy) + Buneary)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Patches + Sandshrew)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Lvl 5 Eevee (Delta(Fairy) + Buneary)- Valentine  

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Patches + Sandshrew)-Stew


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"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

  Lvl 5 Eevee (Shiny)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Budew)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

This user is not visible to guests.


Buying: 1checkmate, 1 Beta, and 1 Gs ball

Total Amount: 500+900=1400+750=2150


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Patrat)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Shiny + Jaranra)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Crystallised + Mienfoo)
Chimera: Albino/Piebald/Patches + Togepi

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Patrat) - Snowshoe

Lvl 5 Eevee (Shiny + Jaranra) -Ivy

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Crystallised + Mienfoo) Chimera: Albino/Piebald/Patches + Togepi - Opus


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"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Sinistea)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Gurrdurr)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patterned + Gloom)
Chimera: Kanto + Jigglypuff

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Plusle)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Patches + Impidimp)
Chimera: Kanto/Multi-tail + Archen

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Winged + Seviper)
Chimera: Kanto + Solosis

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

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I would like to buy 

a pokeball , checkmate ball, and gs ball

total: 1,550 


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Minccino)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Patches + Cottonee)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto) > Evan

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Minccino) > Data

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Patches + Cottonee) > Bitsy 


I'd like to buy a pokeball please!

Total: 300


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

name them: Flashbang


Buying: x1 PokeBall, x1 LoveBall

Total Amount: 800


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Riolu)
Chimera: Melanistic + Chingling

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Buying: x1 Pokeball

Using (IF trinket):

Total Amount: 500 PD


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patches)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Buying: x4 Premiere Ball

Total Amount: 3000 Poke


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patterned + Helioptile)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Dusclops)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patches/Multi-tail + Sinistea)
Chimera: Albino + Onix

Lvl 5 Eevee (Coloured/Patches + Staryu)
Chimera: Albino/Winged + Shelmet

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

i'd like to get Beta ball please!

Total amount: 900


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Piebald + Madaamu)
Chimera: Coloured/Crystallised/Winged + Kasanagi

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

ill like to get a GS ball :>


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Minun)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

i’d like to buy x2 pokeballs, x2 gs balls, and x1 checkmate ball!!

costs 2600 poke


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Coloured)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Piebald)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Coloured + Snom)
Chimera: Kanto/Patches + Dratini

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Patches + Wooper)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Joltik)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Buying: x5 Pokeball

Total Amount: 1500 Poke


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patterned/Piebald)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Patches)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino)
Chimera: Kanto/Coloured

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Piebald)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Buying: 1 checkmate ball and 1 love ball

Total Amount: 1000poke


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Karrablast)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Winged + Zubat)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

i call the karrablast one Urban and the other Flynn :3 thank you!


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"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Piebald + Cutiefly)
Chimera: Melanistic/Winged/Crystallised + Hatenna

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Sandshrew)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Sandshrew)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Coloured/Patches + Fomantis)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Shiny/Spiky + Gligar)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

This user is not visible to guests.


This user is not visible to guests.


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Espurr)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Winged + Duosion)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Patches/Piebald)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patterned)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

This user is not visible to guests.

Buying: x4 checkmate balls

Total Amount: 2,000

"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Vanilite)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Darumaka)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Klink)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Throh)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

This user is not visible to guests.

"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Delta(Fairy)/Winged/Patterned + Sewaddle)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Multi-tail + Igglybuff)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Multi-tail/Winged + Cleffa)
Chimera: Melanistic/Winged/Patches + A. Meowth

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Cleffa)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Happiny)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patches/Winged + Minun)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

This user is not visible to guests.


This user is not visible to guests.


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patterned)
Chimera: Kanto/Piebald

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Coloured)
Chimera: Melanistic/Patterned

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

This user is not visible to guests.


Buying: Pokeball x3, GS Ball x4

Total Amount: 3900


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Patches)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Piebald/Patches)
Chimera: Kanto

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Patches)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Seviper)
Chimera: Kanto + Seviper

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Multi-tail + Minun)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Coloured + Murkrow)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Spiky + Snom)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Buying: x5 pokeballs, 1x Love Ball, 1x gs ball

Total Amount: 2750


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Piebald)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Piebald)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic)
Chimera: Albino/Piebald/Coloured

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Riolu)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Winged + Mudkip)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Buying: 1x Patterned Charm, 5x Pokeballs

Using (IF trinket): Patterned Charm

Total Amount: 2500


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Piebald)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Piebald/Patches)
Chimera: Kanto

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patterned)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

buying 2 pokeballs!!

total poke is 600


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Patches)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

I’ll name the albino/patches one Ayumu and the albino one Akemi


Buying: x1 checkmate ball 

Poke: 500


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Stunfisk)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

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"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)
Chimera: Albino

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Piebald/Patches)
Chimera: Kanto/Patches

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Coloured)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

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x2 pokeballs and x1 premiere ball!

1350 poke


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino)
Chimera: Kanto/Patches

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Winged + Kadabra)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

x2 pokeballs please!

600 poke


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Patches)

  Lvl 5 Eevee (Shiny)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Buying: 10× Pokeballs

Total Amount: 3000


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Patterned)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Piebald/Patches)
Chimera: Melanistic

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Coloured)
Chimera: Melanistic

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Piebald/Coloured)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Coloured)
Chimera: Melanistic/Coloured

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patches)
Chimera: Kanto/Piebald

  Lvl 5 Eevee (Shiny)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Piebald/Patches)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Lvl 5 BEEP (Albino/Patterned)

Lvl 5 Rarin (Albino/Coloured)
Chimera: Melanistic

Lvl 5 Ai (Kanto/Piebald/Coloured)

Lvl 5 Dari (Melanistic/Coloured)
Chimera: Melanistic/Coloured

Lvl 5 Halmun (Kanto/Patches)
Chimera: Kanto/Piebald

Lvl 5 Revea (Shiny)

Lvl 5 Eclipse (Kanto/Piebald/Patches)


x1 love ball please !! spending: 500 poke


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Zubat)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

omg!! i'd like to name them "mulberry jam"



x5 Pokeballs please! = 1500 Poke


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino)
Chimera: Melanistic/Coloured/Patches

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Coloured/Patches)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Coloured/Patches)
Chimera: Kanto/Coloured

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Coloured)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

x5 pokeball please!

Total: 1500


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patterned/Piebald)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Piebald/Coloured)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Piebald/Coloured)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

x2 pokeball and x1 loveball please!!

Total: 1100 poke


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

  Lvl 5 Eevee (Shiny/Coloured)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Patches + Buneary)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

x1 Pokeball & x1 loveball please !

800 poke


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic)
Chimera: Kanto

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Cleffa)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

buying 1 checkmate ball, 1 love ball, and 1 premiere ball

total amount is 1,750


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Panpour)

  Lvl 5 Eevee (Shiny + Cleffa)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Growlithe)
Chimera: Melanistic/Winged + Roselia

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

The melanistic + panpour will be Enkai
The shiny + cleffa will be Hinata
And the last one will be Jin


2 checkmate balls and 2 premiere ball and 1 love ball pleaaaaase!! <3

not using anything

total amount: 3000 :] 


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Throh)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Maractus)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Patterned/Patches + Boldore)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Multi-tail + Rhydon)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Coloured + A. Meowth)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Buying:x2 pokeballs 1x Premiere ball

Total Amount:1350


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Coloured/Patches)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Multi-tail/Winged + Swirlix)
Chimera: Kanto/Winged + Panpour

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

The (Kanto) Wood the (Melanistic/Colored/Patches) Rainbow and the (Albino/Multi-tail/Winged + Swirlix) Chimera: Kanto/Winged + Panpour is Bird


BUYING: + 5 Pokeballs



"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Coloured)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Piebald/Patches)
Chimera: Melanistic

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patches)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Coloured)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)
Chimera: Melanistic

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

5x Pokeballs (1500), 5x Checkmates (2500), 5x Love Balls (2500), 5x Premiere Ball (3750), 5 GS Balls (3750)!

Total: 14000 Poke!


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Coloured/Patterned)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino)
Chimera: Kanto

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Patterned/Piebald)
Chimera: Kanto/Patches

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Snivy)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Solosis)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Klink)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Timburr)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Klink)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patches/Piebald + Munchlax)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Multi-tail + Riolu)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + A. Meowth)
Chimera: Melanistic + A. Meowth

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Riolu)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Delta(Fairy)/Winged + Togepi)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Multi-tail + Applin)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Multi-tail + Slowpoke)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Patches/Piebald + Growlithe)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Patterned + Panpour)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Patterned + Poliwhirl)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Teddiursa)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Coloured/Piebald/Patches + Mimikyu)
Chimera: Albino/Winged/Piebald + Pikachu

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Togepi)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Multi-tail/Piebald + Goomy)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Cutiefly)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

This user is not visible to guests.


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Dainabea)
Chimera: Kanto + Peinta

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Winged/Piebald + Shinx)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Coloured + Shellder)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

This user is not visible to guests.


Buying: x3 GS Balls

Total Amount: 2250 Pokes


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Piebald + Plusle)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patches/Crystallised + Minior(Green))

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Togepi)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

I would like to rename the ff vees!

• Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patches/Crystallised + Minior(Green) -> Mika

• Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Togepi) -> Nagisa


Buying x1 checkmate ball and x1 premiere ball 

Total: 1250. ^⁰^


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Dwebble)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Multi-tail + Ursaring)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Could I name the first one gregg and the second one bear? ^^


Buying x3 premiere and x4 GS balls

Total: 5250


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Patches + Gloom)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Porygon)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Winged + Slowpoke)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Spiky/Patches + Murkrow)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Multi-tail + Plusle)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Ralts)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Winged/Multi-tail + Zangoose)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Buying 1x GS Ball and one Pokeball

Total: 1,050


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)
Chimera: Melanistic/Patterned/Patches

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Spiky + Scorbunny)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Buying 1x GS ball 

Total: 750 :)


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Coloured + Dratini)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Could i name them 'pool floatie'?


Buying: x5 Pokeball

Total Amount: 1500 poke


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Patterned)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patches/Piebald)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Piebald)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Their name will be (in order): Contemporary/Steam/Aware/Syndrome/Quarrel


Buying 1x GS ball 

Total: 750 :)


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Rockruff)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Can I name the rockruff bone marrow, & can I grab another GS ball here or do i have to make a seperate post? :)

Edit: ill just make a seperate post >:0


Buying: 1 checkmate ball

Total Amount: 500 poke


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Durant)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

i dub thee.... elmer's glue


Buying:1x Love ball 1x Checkmate ball

Total Amount:1,000


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Pawniard)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Piebald/Multi-tail + Sewaddle)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

The + Pawniard is Fork and the + Sewaddle is Leaf


Buying: x1 Love ball, x1 premiere ball, x1 beta ball, x1 gs ball

Total: 2900


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Patches + Sewaddle)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Shiny/Patches + Nidorino)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Haneko)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Corsola)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Name will be: Bonbon / Galette / Saplin / Stella


x5 GS balls, please !

total: 3750 poke


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Crystallised + Minun)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Multi-tail + Milcery)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Spiky + Swablu)
Chimera: Albino/Spiky + Kirlia

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patches + Indeedee)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Plusle)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

oooo !!

could I get the names:

Lvl 5 Glitz (Albino/Crystallised + Minun)

Lvl 5 Milkshake (Kanto/Multi-tail + Milcery)

Lvl 5 Mellow (Albino/Spiky + Swablu)
Chimera: Albino/Spiky + Kirlia

Lvl 5 Tuxedo (Kanto/Patches + Indeedee)

Lvl 5 Glam (Kanto + Plusle) ?

It's appreciated, ty sm !!


x1 love ball & x1 checkmate ball please!!

total: 1000 poke


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Winged/Patches + Sewaddle)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Tirtouga)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Winged/Patches + Sewaddle) will be called Couch

leave the other one unnamed for now!


places 7500 on the counter

10 GS balls please :D


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + H.Sneasel)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Spiky + Noibat)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Piebald + Milcery)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Carbink)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Pyukumuku)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Feebas)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Stufful)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Winged + Goomy)

  Lvl 5 Eevee (Shiny/Winged + Swirlix)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + G.Zigzagoon)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

x2 pokeballs pls! :]

total: 600 poke


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Coloured)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patches)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"


Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Coloured) > Ethernet Cable

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patches) > Xbox Gamepass

(if game console cant be directly mentioned for copyright or whatever, then Phone Battery!)


2 checkmate balls pls!! :D

total 1000 poke :d


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Pawniard)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Pidove)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

if you could name the first caffeine and the second pigeon? :3 ty!!


Buying: x1 Checkmate Ball Total amount: 500 Poke


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Vullaby)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Please name it Vultur c:


Buying: 10 GS Balls

Total Amount: -7500 Poke


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Multi-tail + A.Sandshrew)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Crystallised + G.Meowth)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Winged + Indeedee)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patches + Solosis)
Chimera: Melanistic + Corsola

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Pyukumuku)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Coloured + Cutiefly)
Chimera: Melanistic/Crystallised + Emolga

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Mimikyu)
Chimera: Melanistic/Spiky + Espurr

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Solosis)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Winged/Multi-tail + Indeedee)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Noibat)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

x2 Pokeballs please!

total: 600 poke


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Piebald)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Piebald) - Styx

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto) - Mars


1 GS Ball please!

Total: -750


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Piebald + Seviper)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

I'll name her Cataleya please! :)


Buying 4 checkmate balls please!

Total: 2000


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Zorua)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Vullaby)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Audino)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Cubchoo)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

please name:

melanistic + zorua : Narf

melanistic + Vullaby : Addie

melanistic + cubchoo : Milo 

whenever u have the time <3!!


Buying: 10 GS Balls
Total Amount: 7500
on the floor. YIPPEEEEE;;


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Woobat)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Mimikyu)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Emolga)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Cutiefly)
Chimera: Albino/Patches + Teddiursa

  Lvl 5 Eevee (Shiny + Cyndaquil)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patterned + Togedemaru)
Chimera: Kanto/Spiky + Buizel

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Spiky/Patches + Snom)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Morpeko)
Chimera: Melanistic + Archen

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Togepi)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Fomantis)
Chimera: Albino/Piebald + Solosis

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Buying: 2x Pokeballs

Total Amount: 600 Poke


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patches)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Piebald)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Buying: 8 GS balls

Using (IF trinket): N/A

Total Amount: 6,000

Hoping for an Indeedee fusion! :D


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Patterned + Absol)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Togedemaru)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Winged/Piebald + Feebas)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Piebald + Emolga)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Multi-tail + Mudkip)
Chimera: Kanto/Patterned + Wooper

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Winged/Spiky + Fomantis)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Piebald + Shinx)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Coloured + Pikachu)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Buying: 10 GS Balls
Total Amount: 7500 Poke
does the silliest of little dances......!!! cmooon shinx lets go shinx babey--


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Cottonee)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Coloured/Multi-tail/Piebald + Sandshrew)
Chimera: Melanistic/Spiky + Cottonee

Lvl 5 Eevee (Coloured + G.Meowth)
Chimera: Melanistic/Multi-tail + Impidimp

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + H.Zorua)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Pansear)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Winged/Patches + Panpour)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Togedemaru)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Indeedee)
Chimera: Kanto/Winged + Sandshrew

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Spiky + Sentret)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patches + Panpour)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Buying: Checkmate Ball x1
Total Amount: 500


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Klink)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Buying: Pokeballs x17
Total Amount5,100 poke


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Piebald)
Chimera: Kanto

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)
Chimera: Albino

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patches)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Coloured)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Patterned)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Patches)
Chimera: Melanistic/Piebald

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Coloured)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Coloured)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Coloured)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Coloured)
Chimera: Shiny/Piebald

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Patterned/Patches)
Chimera: Kanto

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Buying: x10 Pokeballs

Total Amount: 3000 Poke


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patches)

Chimera: Kanto

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Chimera: Albino/Patches

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Piebald)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Patterned/Patches)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Shiny)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Coloured)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino)

Chimera: Kanto/Piebald

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Hoping I get something good aa

Buying: 3 Pokeballs

Total Amount: 900 poke


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patterned)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Buying: 10 pokeballs

Total Amount: 3000 poke


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Patterned)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Patterned)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Piebald)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Piebald)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Patterned) - Avlid
Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Patterned) - Venice

the rest can be named "eevee" for now haha


GS Ball x11
Pokeball x1

Total Amount: 8,550 poke


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Multi-tail/Spiky + Pansear)
Chimera: Kanto/Piebald + Fomantis

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patches/Spiky + Cottonee)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Pansage)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Corsola)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Togedemaru)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Coloured/Winged + Indeedee)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Multi-tail/Spiky + Feebas)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Piebald + Stufful)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Mudkip)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Pyukumuku)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Woobat)
Chimera: Melanistic + Sandshrew

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Buying: 20 Pokéballs

Total Amount: 6000 Poké


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Shiny)
Chimera: Melanistic

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Piebald)
Chimera: Kanto/Patterned

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Patterned)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Coloured)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Coloured)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Patches)
Chimera: Kanto

Lvl 5 Eevee (Shiny/Patches)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Shiny/Piebald)
Chimera: Melanistic

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Piebald)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Piebald/Coloured)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Shiny)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Patches)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Piebald)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Piebald/Coloured)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

alright here goes 

Buying: 10 Pokeballs

Total Amount: 3000 Poke


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Shiny)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Piebald)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patches)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Piebald)
Chimera: Melanistic/Piebald/Patterned

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Buying: 10 Pokeballs

Total Amount: 3000 Poke


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patches/Coloured)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Piebald/Patches)
Chimera: Melanistic

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Piebald/Patterned)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Coloured)
Chimera: Kanto/Patches/Coloured

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patches)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Coloured/Patches)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

shuffles back. One More Time With Feeling Babey !!!

Buying: 10 Pokeballs
Total Amount: 3000 Poke


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino)
Chimera: Melanistic

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patches/Coloured)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Shiny/Patches)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patterned/Patches)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patterned/Coloured)
Chimera: Melanistic

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Coloured)
Chimera: Melanistic/Coloured

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patterned)
Chimera: Kanto

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Patches/Piebald)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Felix I desire buizel not feebas so I’ve returned again

10 more gs balls, 7500 poke



Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Multi-tail/Piebald + Wooper)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Mienfoo)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Coloured + Teddiursa)
Chimera: Melanistic/Piebald + Sentret

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Swablu)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Piebald + H.Sneasel)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Winged/Piebald + Dracozolt)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Patches/Piebald + Feebas)
Chimera: Kanto + Teddiursa

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Patches + Archen)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Multi-tail + Wooper)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Patches + Carbink)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"




Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + G.Meowth)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Winged + Gligar)
Chimera: Kanto + Murkrow

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Spiky + Milcery)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Absol)
Chimera: Coloured + Indeedee

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Feebas)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Coloured/Patterned + Fomantis)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Multi-tail + Feebas)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + A.Sandshrew)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Multi-tail + Cyndaquil)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Spiky + Emolga)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

Buying: 10 Pokeballs
Total Amount: 3000 Poke


"This generator really doesn't like you."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Piebald)
Chimera: Kanto

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Patches)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Piebald)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Coloured)
Chimera: Kanto/Patches

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Coloured)
Chimera: Albino/Piebald

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Patterned/Patches)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Coloured)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patterned)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

10 poke balls, 3k poke

gimme those shinies hehehe


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Shiny/Coloured)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Coloured)
Chimera: Kanto

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic)
Chimera: Kanto

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Patches/Coloured)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Coloured)
Chimera: Kanto/Patches

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patterned)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patches)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"

get me one pokeball for 300 poke and if its not shiny ill blow everything up


"Oh right yeah it seems like you (EXPLODES)"

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Patterned)

"(is dead)"

FUCK YEAH A SHINY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hi yes id like to purchase 50 gs balls for 37,500 kromer


"Oh right yeah it seems like you caught...."

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Piebald/Winged + Pansage)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Winged + Ralts)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Zangoose)
Chimera: Melanistic/Spiky + Cottonee

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Panpour)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Spiky + Togedemaru)
Chimera: Melanistic/Winged + Mimikyu

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Winged + Sentret)
Chimera: Albino/Patches + Teddiursa

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Spiky + Mienfoo)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Multi-tail + Pyukumuku)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Crystallised + Murkrow)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Sentret)
Chimera: Coloured/Patches + Seviper

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patches + Hatenna)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Coloured + Seviper)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Pikachu)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Milcery)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Wooper)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Patches/Piebald + Swablu)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Spiky + Rockruff)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Minun)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Archen)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Crystallised/Spiky + Minior(Green))

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Patterned + Impidimp)
Chimera: Albino + Togepi

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Multi-tail + H.Zorua)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Zangoose)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Coloured + Indeedee)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Absol)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + G.Meowth)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Piebald + Morpeko)
Chimera: Kanto + Minun

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Buizel)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Piebald + Sentret)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Piebald + Minun)
Chimera: Albino/Multi-tail/Patches + Swirlix

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Spiky + Teddiursa)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Coloured + Plusle)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Noibat)
Chimera: Melanistic/Patches + Gligar

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Pansage)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + G.Meowth)
Chimera: Kanto + Panpour

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Sentret)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Murkrow)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Ralts)
Chimera: Melanistic + Mudkip

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Ralts)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto/Multi-tail + Rookidee)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Patches + Sentret)
Chimera: Kanto/Multi-tail + Stufful

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Patches + Sandshrew)
Chimera: Albino/Patches + Shinx

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Patches + Zangoose)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Togepi)
Chimera: Kanto/Multi-tail + Pansage

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic/Piebald + Stufful)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Kanto + Corsola)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino/Patterned/Patches + Cottonee)
Chimera: Kanto/Spiky/Winged + Hatenna

  Lvl 5 Eevee (Shiny + Stufful)
Chimera: Melanistic/Patches/Winged + H.Zorua

Lvl 5 Eevee (Melanistic + Noibat)

Lvl 5 Eevee (Albino + Togepi)

"Right, names, I bet you're SUPER imaginative, but if you're not feelin' it they can just stay "eevee" for now"