tablet machine broke

Posted 4 years, 11 months ago by physics

it fell onto its last legs a few days ago and i can't get it to connect now - it works when the cable is at a very specific angle, but i can't find it anymore. not sure if the issue is the cable or the tablet itself, but i'll try to figure it out before i buy a new one...

i haven't had time to draw very much lately anyway due to starting a new job and adjusting to the schedule, but hoping to sort it out soon! this week i'll have been working there a month and im getting a lot more comfortable with my footing there. to people i owe art, thanks so much for your patience ;_; (and if i owe you something but you think i might have forgot, never hesitate to let me know!)


Same hat!!! My tablet died a couple days ago as well :( Sorry my dude!! Just take things at your own pace!

that sucks about your tablet D: i had a similar problem and i ended up getting a new cable and its been working fine since so hopefully its just the cable for you too cos you can just get one pretty cheap as opposed to a Whole Other Tablet, good luck though!!