Hello, digital travelers!

We are pleased to inform you that we have launched two brand new things for the species - monthly prompts and the trait shop!
Please check out the trait shop here.

As for prompts, you can find more details below!


AUGUST 2022 PROMPT: Summer Memories

Summer is coming to a close! Actually, considering you can just pull out the beach.jpg file, maybe it's not the true end of the hot weather, but nonetheless...

Even if the blazing sun is not ideal for some, there were a lot of fun things to do and lots of memories made together! The first official prompt is focused on exactly that: Summer Memories. Portray the experiences of your Aemones and the moments they experienced together in the heat! It can be them spending time with their friends, family, alone... or maybe even foggy memories from before they became an Aemone? It's up to you!

As it's the first prompt we are doing, please read the rules in # and don't hesitate to ask any questions you might have! If you're lacking characters, you can check out our NPCs.

The deadline is September 18th.


Surprise! This is the other prompt you can choose to do. Please note that you can only either enter the contest or the prompt. The points rewards will be the same, but you also get the chance to win a free MYO!
The winner will get an Infected MYO and their banner will be used in the Discord server. 2nd place will get a Rare MYO, and 3 runner-ups will get a Common MYO!

The deadline is September 18th. After that, a voting will be held to choose the winning banner.

While there's no specific theme for the contest, there are a few requirements:

- It can only contain our official NPCs, which you will find here.
- No OCs or MYO designs are allowed. Sorry!
- The canvas size must be 1920x1080 or resized accordingly.
- You can draw however many characters you want, but you will receive extra points only for 3 of them.

That's it! 

Whichever prompt you will choose, have fun!
You can submit it in our Discord Server or by DMing aemone the filled form below:

TH Username:
Prompt type: (banner contest/event submission)
Extra characters: (no/yes - if yes, please state whose characters are they!)

- Please keep to the prompt theme, even if loosely.
- The prompt must have at least one Aemone.
- The prompt must be at least a halfbody with clean sketch and color.
- You can draw however many characters you want, but only 3 extra characters will count towards the total points reward.
- The base reward is 4 points for one Aemone piece with no BG.  
- 2 points can be added for a complex background, and 6 points max can be added for extra Aemones.
- You can only submit one submission per prompt.
- You cannot submit both an art piece and a written prompt.  
- No NSFW submissions are allowed. Same goes for very suggestive pieces. Keep it 100% SFW.

- Written submissions must have at least 500 words (will be awarded 4 points). Extra characters are not given points in writing submissions.
- Written submissions will get +1 point per every extra 100 words (maximum 8 extra points).  
- The maximum that will be rewarded with points is 1300 words (base 500 + 800 extra).
- Please don't paste your writing submissions in here. Instead, find a site to host it (whether it's TH, AO3, whatever else - up to you)

And for the last thing - Guest Artist applications!

You have five days to send your application in, so don't worry. The only thing we require is a Discord account.

Send it in here (Google Forms)

Good luck to everyone applying!


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HII theyve been picked already, but we did forget to announce them hjhjhdjhd ww
so sorry for that!

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aaa sadly august/september apps are already closed! but please feel free to apply again in the future<3

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