dental surgery oh god oh fuck

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by 99centsoda

Tuesday they’re getting 6 teeth out my jaw, so I’ll either be more active, or the opposite and spend the whole time crying in bed lmao pray for me y’all I’ll try to get commissions done before then but we shall see. I can’t eat or drink anything at all that day and I frankly don’t look forward to fasting u.u

If anybody has had tooth extractions before do you got any tips?


Echoing what everyone had said so far, it’ll only be painful for the first few days and you’ll experience swelling, but your dentist should prescribe you pain medications! 

My sibling just got a wisdom tooth extracted a few days ago, and according to their dentist, first 24 hours you use an ice pack, after that a heat pad (for your face). You can technically go back to eating regular food 24 hours after the operation, but it might be a better idea to stick to soft foods until the swelling goes down (that’s what they’re doing)! So eating things like oatmeal, baby food, soups, congee, tofu, etc.

And yeah, definitely no straws <_<;;

I have a stockpile of yogurt, frozen fruit for smoothies, pudding, apple sauce, so I hope it’s enough to tide me over. Some are almosT completely under the gums/are impacted so I think I’ll need stitches ;_; I guess at least the surgeon can do 5 minutes a tooth so it should only take like 30 minutes? I hope so

Aaaa I wish you luck; teeth extraction is always scary, especially in your case, but you got this! Pøj pøj!

Also yeah, that sounds like it could be enough, depending on how long you want to stick to soft foods! Your dentist should also give you instructions on what to do for the next few days :>

I forgot to mention this, but it’ll probably be best to avoid anything spicy (e.g., kimchi soup, spicy tofu, etc.) even if it is soft. I saw my sibling eat some spicy ramen today, and he couldn’t handle it (despite having good spice tolerance) ;-;

OHHH that is intimidating!! i have had three teeth taken out and been awake/sober for all of them. (i have a fear of being under or in the 'twilight' zone thing they talk about). honestly, it'll be easy! just get some mushy stuff to eat for a few days.. like potatoes and then just relax! i cant say ive ever had a problem!!!! i hope all goes well for you!

I’m mostly scared it won’t work, novocaine doesn’t work super good on me so I’m worried I won’t go to sleep at all and just raw dog the whole thing 😭😭😭 I had a nightmare about it, they gotta cut my gums open to get to my jawbone!!! Scary! 

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Thankfully I have insurance stuff actually miraculously taken care of, I’ll be given I guess what they call twilight sedation? And I know not to use a straw cuz it’ll be bad for the sockets but that’s the extent of it ;o;

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