Urgent Character Sales

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by Vevaios

Helloooo I know I don't make any bulletins and I don't have many people following me, but I really need to try to save money to move out of my house, I came out to my parents and at 21 they're telling me I can't stay over with her and I have to be home by certain times and as an adult in a relationship I can't have high school restricts so I need out. Every little bit helps, even if just bumping or something!

EZmode Base Adopts

Sale Folder (I may accept offers on other characters...)


Hello! May I make an offer on something? Do you have any other social media platforms I can connect you on? I’m new to TH I’m not sure how this really works on here 

I messaged you back! I don’t really have any other social media, sorry ^^’

Totally ok! I send another message! 

Not sure if the messages are sending or not. Keeps on telling me to reply sorry I don’t want to be annoying just making sure everything is going through! My apologies ^^

I don't think I'll be able to buy anything atm but I'll share it around!!