Commissions [CLOSED]

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by mithra

NOTE: CLOSED NOW! If you asked for a slot but havent provided the details, this doesn't apply to you! 

hi! i don't have set slots currently ; i will close when i feel that it is too much!

you can view progress here:

OK: humanoids / kemonomimi / oc x canon / fanart / flat face anthro / sonic ocs / closed species / blood ; gore
NG: ferals / mecha / irl people / problematic content / *ffxvi characters (unless in modern clothing ; i do not do armor)

payment will be asked for once sketch (if applicable) is shown ; excludes doodle chibis (via pypl invoice ; all prices in USD)
- doodle chibis will be paid once completed via pypal invoice or kofi
deadline 1-3 months ; i am a university student + have work
- i can decline your commission if i feel i can not complete it.
- no rush dates , i'm sorry for inconvenience! my schedule is very unpredictable
- complex characters will have extra charge.

if there is a certain type of art you are looking for that isn't listed, please feel free to ask. i'm more than willing to work out something!
- this does not include custom designs , i am not confident enough to offer these. hope you understand!

if you are interested in a commission, please comment or pm me this form:

type: [commission type]
character ref: [link]
pose: (if applicable ; please show visual example)
oc description: (personality/etc)
extra: (any info you would like me to know)
- if ordering a doodle chibi , please only specify a theme/expression as it is experimental and poses are random.


are your doodle chibis still open by any chance? :0

yes they are! feel free to send me the form whenever if you are interested! ^__^

perfect!! is there a limit on how many i can order? 💖

no limit currently (since my queue is nearly done ^^) !

comm type: doodle chibi

character ref: Riku

pose: singing, tho any pose is fine

oc description: sassy but has a heart of gold, he can be a bit much (especially when singing)

extra: he has a mole under each eye and if needed, you can simplify his design

hello!! i can draw him ^o^ i’ll get back to you once its ready for you!

comm type: doodle chibi
character ref: my oc azazel
pose: pose example kinda a smug shrug pose ^ ^ doesnt have to be exactly like this since its experimental
oc description: hes very smug and playful , often cracking jokes and has a smirk , a bit pervy at times and also kind of an idiot T_T'
extra: his accessories are optional if u cant do them ^ ^ ( hair clip , necklaces , tail clip, ect )

this chara is soo cute, i can do him! i'll get back to you about payment once he is ready for you! ^^

thank you im so excited <333

commission type: Chibi

character ref: cat dainty

pose: any

expression: sipping on milk (carton of milk)

oc description: shy, awkward, caring of others

extra: she's a dainty, androgynous preferred. Edit: you can simplify her if needed

so cute! i can do this, i'll get back to you with a sketch once its ready ^^

Ghxst_Glitch  Jodora  ryu241 conpa  Milkpaw  Akira_Misaki  miqote  Riouki  Honeymae  sibley  confusedthing Goobieroo bustersword (new commission opening ping for new styles ; one time ping only unless you have told me other wise!)

Amenyx (doodle chibi ping!)

if you want to be added or removed please refer to this bulletin or comment here!