Need to start actually fixing and adding code for characters and submitting new images but I’m lazy 💀 Recently I’ve been hooked on playing Miitopia and Subnautica so I haven’t really been uploading much hereCute_Fish_Tickle.gif I may start posting in the forum and just see how it goes but I don’t really expect much and most of my lore is shared to my own servers on discord for myself to keep track of. A while back I had created a google document with most of my characters written down there to keep everything in one place but I kind of lazed out of that too lol. I may post that eventually but I doubt anyone would want to read it unless they’re like a hermit. 

A lot of characters like Jack and Mairi have been reworked entirely so their code is out of date (I also need to reupdate the species page) 💀May start posting bulletins relating to character studies and delving to keep stuff together instead of everything being an empty page 

if I’m bein real no one is here for my art so a lot of it goes unposted but if I magically improve some day I will upload actual updated refs but for now I’d rather not embarrass myself further 🥶


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