Quick Personal Question

Posted 4 years, 10 months ago by Blossomfall

Should I upload my art to my OCs galleries?

4 Votes Yes, on the basic tab you suggested!
5 Votes Yes but in the main gallery itself WEAKLING
0 Votes No, you shouldn't!
0 Votes rai didn't give me the option i wanted (comment/other?)

Hi y'all, this is a bit of a deviation from my regular content (which is to say, hardly any bulletins at all).  I was thinking about how I have a lot of art of my OCs I never upload onto here, mainly because I hate looking at my older art too much :'D  But recently I've seen some people dedicate a basic tab to it and I was thinking of maybe doing that, because that way I could look at it when I choose to to see my progress and not just whenever I go to my character's gallery?  Anyway, I was just looking for an opinion so I set up a poll ;u;  To whoever votes, thank you kindly, I appreciate you a lot!  <3

EDIT: WHOOPS forgot to set it to anonymous, my bad folks! Sorry about that ;u;


just @ me next time coward

jfjfjidjsbfjfjfjdaa alright WATCH ME >:D