
  What is a Florus?  
Florus is a species of humanoid that has colorful skin, flowers and vines all over its body, and a long tail that is similar to a cat or red panda. In addition, they can also have pointed ears (like elfs) or animal ears (cat ears, wolf ears, rabbit ears...). They live in harmony in a dimension called Laetus. They are divided into 4 rarities: Common, Uncommon, Rare, and MysticalsThe CS was created by rebecca

Florus and the whole universe was created 2 months ago, but today there will be a free MYO event with the goal of growing the community! In this event, you will get a MYO slot that does not expire and you can choose between two rarities: Common and Uncommon. You can check the characteristics of each rarity here.event.png

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  How to get a MYO slot   

- Share this bulletin

- Tag 2 friends on the comments of this bulletin

- Which rarity you want? Common or Uncommon?

I'll answer you with your slot soon after this ^w^ ~
The event will ends October 1st! And when finish your Florus, you can send me a DM here or just go on our Discord! There's a channel for approval designs ♡

The MYO will not expire! You can create your Florus when you want it~ but you can't sell the MYO. Gifts and trades are okay!

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  MYO Raffle on Discord   
There's happening a Mystical MYO Raffle on our Discord! You can check here

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For the people who already have a Florus: 
Esse evento do ToyHouse não será válido para aqueles que já tem um Florus ou MYOs. Porém, tem um evento parecido acontecendo no nosso grupo do Facebook, e você pode participar! A intenção desse evento do TH é trazer pessoas que falam em inglês para a CS, considerando que só tem BR na Closed Specied.
MAS se você for brasileiro e não tem um Florus e viu esse bulletin, pode participar viu? c:


@mangymutt EtherealDreams Ookami_nightblood SaffronFinch Ryuukari mxtcngmt Zeradox ethanol verypropercat mappy Liicht Deathcard CrinkleBunny PocketSized MCAverse_Database really sorry for disturbing!

your MYOs are now here! if you interest in get the image of the myo card please asnwer here! the myo card is quite important, since it has your name on the card and proves that the MYO is yours, so I'm warning you here in case someone didn't save it :)

I would like to get the image of my MYO card ^^

Thank you <333

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This user is not visible to guests.

I would like an image of my MYO card please ^^

Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/967771.florus-free-myo-event

Tags: TheGutnishMaiden Bleuxbee

I would like a common myo pls ;v;

Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/966172.florus-event-myo
Tags: Dinolil1 TannerCat
I would like an Uncommon MYO please.

Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/965757.myo-event-

Tags: oblivion_wonder, GwentreeThunderSnow 

I would like an Uncommon MYO ^^

hiya!! ive found people to tag, so ignore the pms we had ! >.>

Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/946950.florus-myo-event-

Tags: Yeah_its_art MCAverse_Database

MYO: uncommon please :D

nice! here's your myo: https://toyhou.se/18026140.myo-076

Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/945011.pretty-cs

Tags: Ookami_nightblood EvilSaron 

MYO: I would love to have a uncommon MYO please ^^

Thank you so much ❤

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here's your slot!


It is not possible to add traits from other rarities in MYO, each trait is unique to the rarities! But you can upgrade your MYO by paying only what is missing from the other rarity

example: you just got an uncommon MYO, and the price of the uncommon MYO is $10. You now want a rare MYO, which is $15. You can turn the uncommon MYO into a rare MYO for only $5! But, you will not be able to use the traits from Uncommon MYO to Rare MYO (example: the panda tail from Uncommon MYO, the skin colors from Uncommon), you can only use the characteristics from Rare on Rare MYO (same thing with the other rarities)

(I hope you understood, unfortunately my English is very bad ;;

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Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/932692.flower-myos-

Tags: CaptainSnowstorm and Inkblot-Wolf

And I'd like an uncommon please. ^.^ 

I can't access it anymore. Is there a reason? It says it doesn't exist. QAQ I'm sorry if I did something wrong. 

heyo! you can find your slot here now:: https://toyhou.se/~world/106267.laetus/page/68976.-masterlist- but if you want i can send you again the myo card, to save the image 

i changed the masterlist xD

I'd like the card as well. And thanks for the updated link. ^.^ 

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This user is not visible to guests.

The Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/926163.myo-event-
I would love an uncommon! and my tags: indigosky and aisteah (I hope these work??? I never tagged someone before-)

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This user is not visible to guests.

These are so cute! Love the floppy little ears~

Bulletin is here! 

Tagging AldwynScoresby dandikix This might fit both of y'all! 

Rarity: Uncommon, please and thank you! 

Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/925322.florus-myo-event
Stellarbre, Llizsch (thought you might be interested!)
Rarity: Uncommon, please!

Thank you kindly!


Do you want a Common MYO or Uncommon MYO? :0

uncommon please !!