RAFFLE (For Fun!)

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by INTERNET-OVERDOSE

I'd like to try something like this out, so here we go! 

Enter and win a fullbody from me! 2 winners! Wow!


How to join!

1. Create a bulletin advertising this raffle

2. Fill out this form:

Name // Character you'd like for me to draw // tag a friend if you'd like (optional)! // bulletin advertising this raffle! // Anything extra, like character notes or something

Format it however you'd like! 


Winners will be announced on September 30th, picked randomly from a wheel. 

And that's it! Please enter I need things to draw-

You'll get free art from it!


Name: Blanket

Character: Clover


Bulletin: Link

Name: Anner! 

Character: Kisei ;D

https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/962191.enter-raffle-not-mine- here's the bulletin! 

Notes: I'd prefer it if you draw her without the mask, but hey, either way is fine!

Thanks!! :D 

Name: CaptainBombyx/ Livie

I offer my girlie Suki!

Tagging my buddies microtoast InterstellarDragon Chiisi and ekholocation UwU

Bulltin here! https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/962146.raffle-not-mine-

No real things of note for the character, all can be found on her ref! 

Have a lovely day and good luck to anyone who enters! <3 

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accepted! sounds good to me~