
Posted 8 years, 4 months ago by Jotaku

THank you to everyone who offered, I appreciate it so much!

New owner is now cantarella! ;V;/ <3

This is an OLD DESIGN (some might recognize) that I made like over a year ago as a possible 'painted adopt' example, but never used or did anything with.  I completely forgot about it until I was picking through my folders FFFF
So I found it again, redrew it cuz the original is a bit dated, and viola!  Putting this cutie up for possible, maybe trade ;v;


Right off the bat, gonna say I'm gonna be /suuuppper/ picky. Like, there is a good chance I won't end up trading the design and just keep it or selling it later. ;v;

I'm not after anything specific, but I AM wanting something I feel is worth it/of somewhat equal value for what my adopts go for... So you can sweeten your deal with art or money if you'd like, but designs are what I'm really after. If the design isn't something I'd use, I will turn it down fjlkda;

Some species/designers I like include (in no specefic order);

-Dreamies, scarftails, some cyzlphs by beagalltach
-Certain shadowmonsters by piffi (I don't have one yet, so really interested in this -- but kinda picky)
-non-feral designs by azolitman/lacha
-dio/diorama (including myo designs)
-old-styled longthings by glider (before long hiatus) (or from the newest batch that just went up, those are all really pretty)
-certain designs by terraterrific
-Some stuff by Resadopts (pref male, designs that'd fit in european-inspired fantasy settings)
-Some non-species stuff by Kaiet
-Some stuff by Erebun/Edopt
-And maaybe certain Efurus by Annily/Ayshun, Purrailles by Sundances, and Appositi by Aomaoe (but only interested in a couple specefic designs of these three, so extra picky here)

I am not really looking for stuff outside of this list at this time, and considering how picky I'm gonna be.... offering off of it will likely get a no.
I also prefer looking at pre-made designs than customs rn... I mean I might take a custom (only by artists listed above), but I really don't have any ideas for stuff I'd want right now so idk what I'd ask for jklfd;sd @__@;;


But yeah, feel free to comment or PM offers!  
I'll prob leave this up for like idk several days to a week tops before deciding, and if I don't get anything I want to accept by then I will take this journal down.


I can offer one of these piffi (two heart loss and a shadowmonster though i know you didnt like the design as much ;u;) AND possibly my spring shrimp by milkuriem AND I could do cash ;u;

oH MAN THAnk you for offering again -- unfortunately, these are all super nice, but none of these really fit me. ;O;
Also, I'm sorry--I updated the forum post but forgot to update my bulletin fjld;sad -- but I've most likely already decided on a trade for this guy, I'm just waiting to hear back/get confirmation on the trade at this point. ;.;

But thank you so much again! I really appreciate all your interest!

MMmn, real tentative offer, but would you have any interest in trading for these two?

- (Sunshine)


hNNNN Oh gosh
Definitely on my considered offer list. ;__; Both of these children are super cute. /gonna make my life so hard in the end omg
Is it okay with you if I get back to you on what I decide after I close down looking for offers?

THEY ARE and so is that Blak baby sobs

But, absolutely!! Just gimme a heads up <33

Thank you so much for offering on this blakrye, but ultimately I ended up going with someone else's offer. It was a tough choice tho, and regardless I really appreciate your interest. ;O;/ Thank you so much!

That's no problem!! Hope you found a new cutie or two to use <33 Anything here interest you?

Wow you've got some really pretty characters! Unfortunately I didn't see anything I could easily work with, but thank you so much for offering! ;O;///

I know I don't have lots of luck, but I do have a Purrailes x3x , the third here

STRUGGLE cuz I actually really do like that purraile, but I've gotten a couple other offers I'm likely to go for over this one. ;__; So gotta turn you down.

I'm also too full to take on any customs for some time, but in the future if I'm offering them or have stuff up for trade, please feel free to offer again! I do really like this design, just not what I'll be going with this time.
Thank you so much for offering, tho! ;O;/

That's fine my dear ! I'll still be interested later for any proposition from you, art, MYOs, custom, ect..

weh late reply to this but jflk
If you're interested, I could offer you a MYO spot now in exchange if that was something you're after? I think that purraille ended up going for around the $40ish mark right? So it'd be a p equal deal price-wise.
But if you'd rather wait and see what opportunities there'll be for other trades in the future that's totes understandable and cool! It might be a couple months tho before I can offer much else, I just took on a bunch of customs and have a con I gotta prep for end of next month so I don't expect much freetime for a good while _(:3/L)_

Yeah, around this, maybe a bit lower honestly. I must say that I was kinda sad to miss the little MYO event you just did and a Sphearra would be pretty tempting. (Would you allow me to use some uncommon/rare traits ?) I honestly don't think that this Purrailes is expensive or rare enough to ask you for a custom So I woul feel bad to get that from you in exchange, even if a design from you is one of my dream x,D

He so cute aah! Would you be interested in this dreamy?

mmMMMMM gosh I think I'mma pass on this one, it's got some really cool things going for it but overall just isn't my aesthetic with the colors fkl;a
ThANK YOu for offering tho! ;O;/


i'll trade you this magical special code i wrote that blocks all mpreg from appearing on your screen and replaces it with cat gifs.

lAUGHS IF ONLY SUCH A THING WERE ACTUALLY POSSIBLE THO!! /hard zero in at certain direction at a certain someone

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hNNN what a gorgeous babe !!!

gl on finding something to your liking ; q ; !!!

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I admit that's a super cute design (love the colors weeps) but serenities aren't a species I'm after right now. Thank you tho! ;O;

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Omg crying he's beautiful ahdhshdj i wish i had a design to offer orz gl finding a nice offer <3

WEEPs thank you so much! ;///;/


Gonna pass on these ones, but thanks anyway! ;O;/

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wEH thank you!! ;v;//

Would you be interested in this Cinnoa?

Edit: I also have this shadowmonster:

omg def gonna consider this, I would like to see what other offers I might get tho so I'll get back to you!

Oh but to clarify, are you offering both or just one or the other? :o

I'd prefer to just trade one or the other (whichever you like more) but if it would help my chances I'd trade both. :)

Alrighty, thanks for clarifying! I'll let you know what I end up deciding in a few days, okay? ;V;/

Great! Can't wait to hear back. :D

On second thought, I'm completely okay with trading both. :D


1 Replies

I'm ded

fjdks uses phoenix down

omg no, they can take my soul lmao