So much coding

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by Freeze-pop88

6 hours yesterday, and around 3 hours today all spent on just coding my userpage. Because I was getting tired of my other one, and got an urge to code anyways. Didn't expect to spend so long doing it, but I NEVER anticipate how long it'll take correctly, esp with fixing errors I keep creating. But it's satisfying to get things fixed, esp since I was pretty sure I was just going to have to accept the issues, or get *a lot* of help and end up reworking a lot of what I put together which tbh- kinda hurts after managing so much on my own, to end up having it need to be reworked entirely by someone else would suck. Tried like- 4-5 different tactics to get the art to stay on their respective boxes while also breaking out of them. Then there's the "I'm finished!....adding this would be cool" and then feeling defeated and confused from things breaking or not working when they should because I wanted to add a music player that no one will care about anyway but I like fjdkls;a It still breaks on mobile, and I needa add color for text so that the text is visible on light mode

Now all I gotta do is...make art for at least the bottom part-


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I have a friend I reach out to to help me if I'm stumped because they do a lot of coding, i think professionally as well? and like, I feel like an annoying little kid walking up with something broken like "h-help ;;" even if they've told me I can ask. But I know enough to get around alright and esp after I start doing it again stuff comes back to me vaguely.

PFF, I used them as place holders because they fit perfectly for what I needed, being not too wide but tall, and my plan was to make art myself for those spots but ever since putting them there I've been sitting here going "it's cute tho... I like using my art but how can I NOT love how these look here"