
Posted 5 years, 6 days ago by Uberviolet

I'm excited for ArtFight this year! IK it isn't for another couple weeks but I'm trying to get things set up. As always, once the event starts, if you want to attack using one of my characters not listed on ArtFight, feel free to let me know either there or here so I can add them! I'm sort of going by priority with adding mine and I don't want to get the page too cluttered full of OCs without proper refs. If you ask though I'll know ppl are interested and be sure to have something up ASAP!

As for attacking back, you may have noticed I completed zero(0!) attacks last year even though I intended to attack back as many people as possible. Unfortunately, the site glitching and being unresponsive killed my motivation for that year (I'm more into drawing now so hopefully won't happen again), but if you attacked me please please feel free to message me so I can make sure to draw you something in return! This counts for last year especially, if anyone who attacked me then wants to be prioritized for art attacks. That said, only a couple people attacked me last year so prioritizing them will hopefully not get in the way of new attacks/revenges!

Anyways I'm jumping the gun here, but looking forward to this year's event!


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